Предмет: Английский язык, автор: telmanoverhan

6. Answer the questions: 1. What do French people eat? 2. What dishes do Germans eat? 3. What food are Italians famous for? 4. How many types of cheese do they produce? 5. Do Germans eat bread much? 6. What food is eaten in India? 7. In what country are there a lot of vegetarians?​


Автор ответа: turovartem23


1. They eat own Traditional Dishes like Fondu, Duck Condit, Rasclette etc.

2. Daily food of germans consists of a selection of whole-grain bread, cheeses, deli meats and sausages, and mustards.

3. The Italians have a wide list of popular dishes, one of them is pasta, also it can be pizza.

4. I know not so many types of cheese, but I think most popular is solid, pickled, fused and blue cheese.

5. I believe like in other countries. Bread is a staple for most meals in Germany: at breakfast, break-time, dinners.

6. Curry is one of India's most popular and well-known dishes. Also from well-known i can notice Masala dosa, Chaat and Pani puri.

7. India is the leading country when it comes to the share of vegetarians amongst its population.


Автор ответа: girzha87

1. French people eat snails, onion soup, FOIE GRAS.

2. Germans eat much meat, sausages with potato or cabbage.

3. Italians are famous for pizza, pasta, сheese.

4. Italians produce 18 types of cheese.

5. Yes, they do.

6. In India people eat very spicy dishes, especially rice, beans and vegetables.

7. There are a lot of vegetarians in India.

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