Предмет: Биология, автор: slipetsanna57

6.2. Середовище існування дощових черв'яків: Я водне; E iнший організм; Є наземно-повітряне; А ґрунтове.​


Автор ответа: cerednikviktoria4


Дощові черви (черв'яки, хробаки), земляні черв'яки, земляні хробаки (лат. Lumbricina) — загальна назва, що об'єднує ряд родин кільчастих черв'яків класу малощетинкових. З точки зору систематики ця група не є таксономічною одиницею, а виділена на підставі особливостей екології і деяких морфофізіологічних властивостей включених в неї родин. Всього відомо близько 1500 видів дощових червів, більшість яких мешкає в тропіках. Вагомий внесок у вивчення біології та значення дощових червів для лісових ґрунтів зробив український вчений А. І. Зражевський.

Немає сумніву, що навряд чи є ще інші тварини, які зіграли б таку важливу роль в історії світу, як ці низькоорганізовані істоти.

Чарлз Дарвін, 1881

slipetsanna57: Так кокой атвет
cerednikviktoria4: відповідь А
slipetsanna57: спасибо
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1. Complete the text with the words in the box.
so that
The King's Speech "stars Colin Firth and Helena Bonham-Carter and is the story of King
George VI who'
speak without a stammer. But
became king, he had to make a lot of speeches and this was terrifying for him. In the film.
the king tries several speech therapists without success. Finally, he meets Lionel Logue, a
failed Australian actor, who teaches speech therapy.
. Logue believes
that he must become the king's friend
he can help him. Of course.
this is very difficult for the king.
Reading (7B IIsm)
actually also as well because couldn't effects however
King George VI.
Helena Bonham-Carter. is
in the film are really good. especially Colin Firth who plays
he won an Oscar for his performance. The actress.
very good as the king's wife. There are no
in this film. just beautiful photography. The close-ups of the
king's face as he struggles to get the words out are really powerful
It's definitely
seeing this film.
2. Read the text. Choose the correct answer.
Someone wrote these words on one of the walls in the Canadian Olympic team's
camp in Seoul the day after Ben Johnson lost his Olympic gold medal. He lost his medal
because he took drugs.
The world will always need heroes. especially heroes of sport. The eyes of
everyone in the world were on Carl Lewis and Ben Johnson as they raced for the finish in
the Olympic 100 metres. Lewis was the «too-good-to-be-true» athlete. «Mr. Clean»> from a
rich and privileged home. Johnson was a very popular winner because he was a poor man.
His mother took him and his brothers from a small Jamaican town when they were young
to find work in Canada. His father stayed at home and still lives there now. After the
World Championships in Rome and before the Seoul Olympics the Jamaicans were very
proud and very happy. They had a special «Ben Johnson Day» in honour of their hero but
Johnson never returned to visit them. When he lost his medal they didn't believe it.
When Johnson won the 100 metres race in Seoul he said. « The gold is something no
one can take away from you. I think my record will last fifty -maybe one hundred -
years». But he was wrong. Ile rose to be a super hero and he crashed down to less than
nothing. In many people's eyes he betrayed his sport when he took the drugs to help
himself run faster and he betrayed their love and support for him.
When you become a great hero. you have very special responsibilities. Do you
1. Someone wrote the words « From hero to zero»>...
a) on the camp wall.
c) on the house.
2. The Canadian Olympic was...
a) in Ottawa. b) in Rome. c) in Seoul. d) in Jamaica.
3. Ben Johnson lose...
a) his silver medal.
b) his drugs. c) his gold medal.
4. The eyes of everyone in Seoul were on....
a) Carl Lewis.
b) Ben Johnson.
5. Carl Lewis and Ben Johnson...
a) raced in the Olympic 100 metres.
c) swam in the Olympic 100 metres.
6. Johnson was popular because...
a) he was a rich man.
c) he was handsome.
7. Johnson said:
b) on one of the doors.
d) on the T-shirt.
c) Mr. Brown. d) both of athletes.
b) he came from a poor family.
d) he was easy-going.
c) drugs.
b) raced in the Olympic 500 metres.
d) swam in the Olympic 500 metres.
a) The gold is something no one can take away from you.
b) The gold is something everyone can win.
e) The gold is something everyone can buy.
d) The gold is something everyone can take.
8. Ben Johnson took.
a) pills.
b) medals.
9. In many people's eyes...
a) he is the best sportsman.
c) he betrayed athletics.
10. He took drugs to help himself...
a) swim faster.
b) have support.
d) medicine.
d) his bronze medal.
b) he is the faster.
d) he betrayed country.
e) keep fit.
d) run faster.