Предмет: Английский язык, автор: kirilovaanasta564

C. Put the nouns in the correct column. tea pasta soft drink onion orange butter mushroom burger rice cheese UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS COUNTABLE NOUNS
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Автор ответа: жужакин


UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS: tea, pasta, butter, rice, cheese

COUNTABLE NOUNS: soft drink, onion, orange, mushroom, burger


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Нужно короткие объяснения
49 Days in the Ocean

On the 17th January, 1960, a terrible storm broke out in the Kurils. A Soviet barge was carried out to sea with four men on board. Boats and planes were sent to look for the barge, but they were unable to see it among the high. waves.

The men on the barge were in great danger. They were

doing their best to approach the shore but it was impos-


sible. The weather was terrible, the wind did not stop blo- wing for one second, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and it was raining so hard that they could hardly see any thing round them. The men on board heard the voice of the radio calling out to them, but they were unable to answer because something had gone wrong with their own radio- set.

When the storm calmed down, they saw that the waves had swept away almost all their food and fresh water, and that they were quite alone in the open sea.

On the 23rd February they were so weak that they could only lie still side by side, but they made up their minds to celebrate their holiday, Soviet Army Day. The one who was on duty that day took their last cigarette. out of the box and they smoked it in turn.

On the forty-ninth day they heard a noise in the dis- tance. It was an American plane. The pilot noticed them, and the four brave soldiers were soon out of danger on board an American ship. The sailors who had saved them were surprised to see that after all their misfortunes, these four young Soviet men had remained true friends, always doing their best to help each other. Soon the heroes were brought back to the Soviet Union.

Their names became known all over the world
Предмет: Геометрия, автор: viktoria2487
Предмет: Математика, автор: Djxbdndhdb456
Предмет: Информатика, автор: SergeiRuminin
Составить программу, которая вычисляет необходимое количество рулонов обоев для ремонта комнаты. Если при вводе значений программа определит, что высота от пола до потолка больше, чем значение длины большей стены, то выводится сообщение: «Вы ввели некорректные данные».
Параметры для составления программы:
h – высота от пола до потолка, L1- длина большей стены,
L2- длина меньшей стены,
Db – ширина двери,
Da – высота двери,
Wa – ширина оконного проема, Wb - высота оконного проема.
Параметры рулона обоев взять за константы:Pl – длина рулона = 1005 см, Pa – ширина рулона = 53 см.
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