Leave out that, who, which or whom, if possible.
1. The man that appeared at the doorway was called Jason Pollock.
2. The woman that she showed you in the theatre comes from Poland.
3. My mother, whom love so much, is seriously ill.
4. My friend that haven't seen for 10 years is here.
5. The bracelet which we looked at in the shop was too expensive.
6. I liked the dancer who was wearing blue trousers.
1. The man that appeared at the doorway was called Jason Pollock. (нельзя убрать слово that - нарушится структура предложения)
2. The woman she showed you in the theatre comes from Poland.
3. My mother, whom I love so much, is seriously ill. (whom нельзя убрать)
4. My friend that I haven't seen for 10 years is here. (нельзя убрать that)
5. The bracelet we looked at in the shop was too expensive.
6. I liked the dancer wearing blue trousers. (нельзя убрать только местоимение, но можно убрать who was)
Относительные местоимения that, who (whom) и which можно опустить, если они выступают в роли дополнения, определяющего человека или предмет. Но если в предложении oтнocитeльнoe мecтoимeниe являeтcя пoдлeжaщим, то oпycкaть данное местоимение нeльзя.