Предмет: Оʻzbek tili, автор: annashestak1986

полезные и не полезные качества робота на узбекском языке пж


Автор ответа: anastasiyarahmanova1


Ularning asosiy maqsadi hayotimizni yanada qulayroq qilish, ish sharoitlarini yaxshilash, "qo'llarni" murakkab ish oqimlaridan ozod qilish va samaradorlikni oshirishdir.

yoqilg'i sarfini oshirish

kommutatsiya paytida har xil uzunlikdagi muzlashlar

qurilmaning katta vazni

ko'proq qadamlar bilan xavfsizlik chegarasini yo'qotish

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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: armansargsyan90170
Past Simple :Ex.120. Use the correct tense: 1. Yesterday, when I (to hear) the news I immediately (to send my friends a telegram. 2. Yesterday it (to take) them an hour to pack their things. 3. What you usually (to prefer) for dessert? - Now I (to be) fond of fruit, but some years ago I (to like) ice-cream. 4. He always (to leave) home at 8 o'clock but some years ago when he (to live) in the country he (to leave) home at 6. 5. She seldom (to write) to me now but last year she (to write) to me every month. 6. - When you (to meet) him last? - 1 (to see) him the day before yesterday. 7. We usually (not to work) on Sundays but last Sunday we (to have) to work. 8. Yesterday we (to discuss) S. Maugham's stories at the English lesson. 9. He usually (to go) to work on foot but last evening he (to take) a taxi as he (to feel) bad, 10. Yesterday the students (to read) Burns in class. 11. - How much money you (to lend) him last week? - He (to borrow) 60 dollars. 12. Lucy (to buy) a nice fur coat two days ago. 13. The Greens (to give) me their address last year. But later they (to move) to a new flat and I (not to know) where they (to be) now. 14. Mr Johnson (to arrive) last Thursday. Yesterday he (to get) a new job at an information agency, 15. Last Saturday we (to go) skating. It (to be) a frosty day and my daughter (to catch) a cold. Ex. 121.Translate into English: *** apmu էր աշխատան ավարտեց դր տվեցին: 10 երկու տարի իր նոր հաս ներին, այն միացրեց հ բար տանք գնալ։ 14. ցավում էր unun: 16. ճանաչեց երիտաս Բոլորը զբոսաշ հյուրա քաղայ հնչյու թյունը սակա Ex. aft sh m​