Предмет: Алгебра, автор: lashkodasha887

2. Обчисли значення виразу. ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО!!!!!!
8,4 11,5 + 8,4 12 + 1,6 11,5+1,6 - 12 =​


Автор ответа: axatar


8,4 · 11,5 + 8,4 · 12 + 1,6 · 11,5 + 1,6 · 12 = 235


Перевод и исправление: Вычислить значение выражения:

8,4 · 11,5 + 8,4 · 12 + 1,6 · 11,5 + 1,6 · 12.​

Нужно знать распределительное свойство умножения относительно суммы.

Произведение целого числа a на сумму двух чисел b и c равно сумме произведений a ⋅ b и a ⋅ c:

a ⋅ (b + c) = a ⋅ b + a ⋅ c.

Решение. Перегруппируем слагаемые и применим распределительное свойство:

8,4 · 11,5 + 8,4 · 12 + 1,6 · 11,5 + 1,6 · 12 =

= (8,4 · 11,5 + 1,6 · 11,5) + (8,4 · 12 + 1,6 · 12) =

= (8,4 + 1,6) · 11,5 + (8,4 + 1,6) · 12 =

= 10 · 11,5 + 10 · 12 = 10 · (11,5 + 12) =

= 10 · 23,5 = 235.


uv1625: фд алгебры меня пугает
pubgmatvijtt: да
arinahudyna: Теж
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Алгебра, автор: zohirjanzohirov
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: melonforschool20
50болов по англ срочнооо!!!!!
некоторых задани нет, пишите ( невожно где,хоть на листочке хоть тут) в такой последовальности в которой тут задания пожалуйста

Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the adjectives given.
1 A mouse is …………………………..…... (small) than an
2 Science is …………………………..…... (easy) than history.
3 Your car was …………………………..…... (expensive) than
4 His house is …………………………..…... (near) than mine.
5 Fruit is generally …………………………..…... (healthy) than

/ 5
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the adjectives given.
1 The Blue Planet is …………………………..…... (interesting)
nature programme I’ve ever seen.
2 Ali is…………………………..…... (heavy) person in our family!
3 George is …………………………..…... (strong) person I know.
4 I think Messi is …………………………..…... (good) footballer in
the world.
5 I think people are …………………………..…... (dangerous)
animals in the world.

3 Complete the sentences with the present perfect
form of these verbs. There are two extra verbs.
climb • go • help • meet
not visit • see • wear

1 …………………………..…... you ever …………………………..…... a
2 She …………………………..…... lots of famous people.
3 They …………………………..…... never …………………………..…...
me with my homework.
4 …………………………..…... he …………………………..…... the new
James Bond film?
5 I …………………………..…... the Eiffel Tower.

6 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the
Cows are big animals with four (1) legs/horns. They don’t
have toes on their (2) heads/feet – they have hard
‘hooves’. Sometimes they have two (3) wings/horns on
their (4) heads/legs. They also have four
(5) heads/stomachs. These are necessary because of the
food they eat.

/ 5
Total / 15

Use of English
7 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the
I have (1) ever/never been to South Africa but I would love
to go there. It’s got everything you can imagine. There are
great (2) lakes/deserts that have no water and
temperatures of 40° centigrade. They are some of the
(3) hotter/hottest places in the world! Then there are the
(4) beaches/forests that are full of giant trees and strange
animals. But most of all, I’d love to go to Kenya in East
Africa. I (5) have/has read that this is the best place for
safaris. I’ve (6) saw/seen elephants and lions in the zoo but
it’s (7) more interesting/most interesting to see them in the
wild. I know it’s more dangerous (8) that/than seeing them
in the zoo, but that doesn’t worry me. I’ve never been
afraid of animals.

8 Read the notices. Match the notices (A–H) to the statements (1–6). There are two extra notices.
1 A visit this weekend is cheaper than on other weekends. …………………………..…...
2 Call this number if you’ve lost your pet. …………………………..…...
3 You start from a place in town for this activity. …………………………..…...
4 If you help us, you can get some money. …………………………..…...
5 This activity is for people who go to the school. …………………………..…...
6 This teaches you new things about animals. …………………………..…...

/ 6

My beautiful cat Felix – he’s
black with a white tail – £50
for information
Call Andrew on 735 5226
Hampston Zoo
Special offer this weekend!
Four for the price of two!
Bring your family and get
50% off the price.
Love animals?
Then visit Animalia.com!
Pictures of wild animals.
Interesting and unusual
facts. Discover things you
never knew about animals!
River Safari
See the river like never
before! Meet outside the
museum at 10 o’clock on
Saturday morning.
Adults £3, children free.
Bring boots and a coat!

Appletree Farm
Open Day
See the farmer milking the
cows. Help to collect eggs
from the chickens. Free for

My Amazon Adventure
Miss Conroy talks about
her trip down the world’s
largest river. Amazing
stories and photos of the
rainforest and the animals.
This Friday in the school hall.
All students invited!
Small black and white
dog with the name ‘Sunny’
on his collar. Found in George
Street on Monday afternoon.
Call Joe on 362 4482.
Two cats – brother and
sister – 3 months old – one
is brown and white, the other
is black with white ears
Email Amelie:
[email protected]

9 Read the notices again. Complete the notes with one word in each gap.
1 Andrew has lost his …………………………..…....
2 You can see …………………………..…... and facts about animals on Animalia.com.
3 You need …………………………..…... and a …………………………..…... for the river safari.
4 The farm open day is …………………………..…... for adults and children.
5 Miss Conroy tells …………………………..…... about the Amazon in her talk.
6 You can contact Amelie by …………………………..…....

12 You’ve spent the day at an important sports event. Write a post for your school blog about it.
Write about:

Write 30–35 words.
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: kapusaksola87