Срочно пожалуйста помогите

1. You are good at judo, aren't you?
2. Jim has never played golf hasn't he?
3. Her favourite sport is tennis, isn't it?
4. Your team has won, hasn't it?
5. Sophie can't swim, can she?
6. Kevin goes to the gym twice a week, doesn't he?
7. Ron isn't fond of boxing, is he?
8. Cindy will participate in the race, won't she?
9. I am fifteen, aren't I?
10. Bob and Billy visited the library last week, didn't they?
11. Teachers shouldn't be too strict, should they?
12. Sportsmen from a over the world complete in the Olympics, don't they?
13. You would like to be a dentist, wouldn't you?
Разделительный вопрос состоит из двух частей. Если само предложение утвердительное, то «хвостик» должен быть отрицательным. А если основная часть отрицательная, то «хвостик» утвердительный.
Например, в последнем предложении — You would like to be a dentist, wouldn't you? — в первой части (You would like to be a dentist) глагол (would) стоит без частицы not, поэтому предложение утвердительное. Следовательно, вторая часть будет отрицательной. Там должен стоять этот же глагол (would), но с частицей not.