4 Complete the text with a word from the list. You will have to use some words more than once.
between by for
on of
As well as being a scientist, Galileo was interested a
painting and music. He started his studies b
medical school in Padua. Unlike most scientists at that time, who usually
relied c
discussing the facts, not trying to prove them,
he recognized the importance d
doing experiments
to prove the facts. He is famous e
dropping different
weights from the Tower of Pisa to prove that all bodies fall at the same rate,
though this is probably not a true story. Through practice, he also became
good f
observing the stars, and identified craters on the Moon, sunspots, and the moons of
Jupiter. As a result g.
studying the planet Venus, he succeeded h
proving that Copernicus was correct, and that the Earth moved around the Sun. Unfortunately, the Church
publishing unacceptable ideas. In the end he was forced to
authorities accused him i
being punished by the Church, or denying his own ideas. He spent most of the
choose j
last nine years of his life imprisoned in his own house.
As well as being a scientist, Galileo was interested IN painting and music. He started his studies BY attending medical school in Padua. Unlike most scientists at that time, who usually relied ON discussing the facts, not trying to prove them,he recognized the importance OF doing experiments to prove the facts. He is famous FOR dropping different weights from the Tower of Pisa to prove that all bodies fall at the same rate, though this is probably not a true story. Through practice, he also became good AT observing the stars,and identified craters on the Moon, sunspots, and the moons of Jupiter. As a result OF studying the planet Venus, he succeeded IN proving that Copernieus was correct, and that the Earth moved around the Sun. Unfortunately, the Church authorities accused him OF publishing unacceptable ideas. In the end he was forced to choose between being punished by the Church, or denying his own ideas. He spent most of the last nine years of his life imprisoned in his own house.