What do you know about the Samruk?
Samruk-Kazyna Joint Stock Company is an investment holding whose mission is to improve the national welfare of Kazakhstan and ensure long-term sustainability for future generations. Samruk-Kazyna JSC was founded in 2008 by the Decree of the President of Kazakhstan.
Samrukia: Kazakh Myth Gives Name to Dynosaur-Era Bird Found Near Aral
More than 80 millions years ago a huge ostrich-looking bird lived on the territories that are now part of Kazakhstan. The bones thought to belong to Samrukia Nessovi (Kazakh phoenix) suggest that giant birds coexisted with “non-bird dinosaurs” of the Cretaceous period, an article in Royal Society’s journal Biology Letters in the UK suggests. The remains were discovered back in 1970s in Central Kazakhstan and the suggested name refers to Samruk, the Phoenix-like bird from Kazakh myths.
Darren Naish, a palaeontologist and science writer from Portsmouth University (UK), and his colleagues found the bird,
by analysing the fossils considered to belong to Oviraptosaur (feathered dinosaur). Everything that left from the bird is two
bones of the lower jaw, the size of which point to a bird that stood two to three metres tall, making it the largest bird known from the Late Cretaceous. Many primitive birds alive at the time were closer in size to chickens. …