Python.Идет отбор учеников 8-го класса для записи в бас-
кетбольную секцию с учетом их роста. Всего в отборе приня-
ли участие N (130≤рост учащихся≤200) учащихся. Из них
были приняты в секцию ребята с ростом выше K сантиметров.
Сколько учащихся принято в секцию и какой рост у самого
высокого ученика? Рост учащихся вводится последовательно.
# Input the number of students and the height threshold
n = int(input("Enter the number of students: "))
k = int(input("Enter the height threshold (in cm): "))
# Initialize a list to store the heights of all students
heights = []
# Initialize a variable to store the number of students accepted
num_accepted = 0
# Initialize a variable to store the height of the tallest student
tallest_height = 0
# Input the heights of all students
for i in range(n):
height = int(input("Enter the height of student {} (in cm): ".format(i+1)))
# Iterate through the list of student heights and check if each height is greater than the threshold K
for height in heights:
if height > k:
num_accepted += 1
# Check if the current student's height is greater than the current tallest student's height
if height > tallest_height:
tallest_height = height
# Output the number of students accepted and the height of the tallest student
print("Number of students accepted: {}".format(num_accepted))
print("Height of the tallest student: {}cm".format(tallest_height))