Ст 124 впр.1- сполучіть назву науки з її визначенням.
Ст.124 впр.2 - за зразком впр.1 напишіть в зошит чим займається кожна галузь науки з таблиці впр.2. Зверніть увагу на те, які суфікси утворюють назви науковців.

chemistry - b
biology - d
physics - e
botany - c
geology - a
1: Biologists study living organisms and their interactions with the environment.
2: Scientists investigate the natural world through observation, experimentation, and analysis of data.
3: Chemists use their knowledge of chemistry to conduct research and experiments to develop new products or processes, test existing products and processes, analyze the composition of substances, and solve technical problems.
4: Physicists study the physical properties of matter, energy, space, and time.
5: Botanists are scientists who specialize in the study of plants.
6: Geologists study the Earth's composition, structure, and processes.
7: A physiologist is a scientist who studies the functions and processes of living organisms.
8: Linguists study language and how it is used, including how it is structured, how it changes over time, and how it is used in different contexts.
9: Physiologists study the functions and processes of living organisms.
10: Historians research, analyze, and interpret the past to help us better understand the present.
11: Politicians are responsible for making and implementing laws and policies that govern a particular area or population.
12: Mathematicians use mathematical theory, computational techniques, algorithms, and the latest computer technology to solve a variety of problems in business, engineering, the sciences, and other fields.
13: Musicians create music by playing instruments and singing.