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Words introduced in the media frequently enlarge their meanings
far beyond the scope originally intended for them. How many mean
ings do the words Mickey Mouse have today? Which show approval?
Which disapproval?
The impact of the mass media is very strong. It changes our lan
guage, stimulates our emotions, informs our intellect, influences our
ideas, values, and attitudes. When you were young and absorbing
uncritically, you could not possibly know that the majority of the
material you saw and heard was designed to produce specific responses
from you. Some adults, for that matter, either do not know or refuse
to admit the following basic fact of media production: the MAJORI
TY of material is chosen or designed to produce a predetermined re
sponse. Even that part of media output called “entertainment” is cho
sen to keep you quiet, unquestioning, available, and receptive to
commercial messages inserted throughout. This is evident whether
the entertainment is a TV drama with commercials every few min
utes or a newspaper or magazine article with columns of type wrapped
around the advertisements.
The journalism, urgent issues, news, or informationgiving por
tion of media output is selected, edited, produced, placed in time slots
or positioned in the newspaper or magazine to reflect and support
the owner’s policies. However, no reporter, photographer, film or copy
editor, script or continuity writer in either print or electronic media
has ever needed to be told specifically what the boss’s policies are.
You pick them up through your pores within a week or two of accept
ing a job, and you work accordingly.
The owner’s policies, therefore, determine the response that the
media wish from you even if it’s only to keep quiet and accept. Then
the material is written, staged, photographed with or without audio,
printed and/or broadcast. We — counted in the millions, the mass
audience of mass media — are then programmed to buy, vote, con
tribute, believe, and support other people’s interests, interests which
may be commercial, political, charitable, philosophical, or educational.
Sometimes these interests will coincide with your own; sometimes
they won’t. Most of the time, the response comes in as programmed;
occasionally it doesn’t, or there is an additional, unexpected response.
Some of the media’s output has long lasting value and worth; some is
not only cheap, tawdry, and superficial stuff, but physically, emotional
ly, and intellectually harmfu.
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: oksanapolunina4946