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Допоможіть будь-ласка❤️дам 25 балов
Waiter: Good evening! May I take your order?
Joe: Good evening! We haven't decided yet. Could you please return to us a bit later?
Waiter: Sure. You can call me whenever you need as well.
Mary: Let me look at the menu.
Joe: The prices are quite cheap here. That's why I find this restaurant really good. And the atmosphere is cozy, too.
Bill: Couldn't agree more. By the way, I have already decided what I'm going to order.
Joe: Cool. I'm thinking about a bowl of chicken soup and a cup of green tea. I'm not that hungry. My mum had cooked a big meal for me and my sister before I went out.
Bill: Such a nice choice. As for me, I haven't eaten anything since morning. So I'd like some chicken nuggets, a large portion of french fries, a cup of blueberry ice cream and a glass of lemonade.
Mary: Are you sure you'll manage to eat everything?
Bill: Of course I am. It's not a big deal. What about you, Mary? What are you going to order?
Mary: I'm on my healthy diet, so I'd like a plate of vegetable salad and a glass of orange juice.
Joe: Alright.
(waiter comes back)
Waiter: Have you decided yet?
Joe: Yes, we have. So, here we go. A bowl of chicken soup and a cup of green tea for me, a plate of chicken nuggets, a large portion of french fries, a cup of blueberry ice cream and a glass of lemonade for my friend, and a plate of vegetable salad and a glass of orange juice for his girlfriend.
Waiter: I have written those down. Would you like to have something else?
Joe: No, thanks.
Waiter: My apologies, we are not currently serving that kind of ice cream. However, we have a strawberry one instead. Would that be okay?
Bill: Yeah, that's not a problem at all.
Waiter: Glad to hear that. Your orders will be ready soon. Have a nice evening!