Rewrite the sentences.
1 They believe the famous singer is in town.
a The famous singer
b It
2 They say the new X-Men film was a hit.
a The new X-Men film
b It
3 Locals think the art gallery is closing down.
a The art gallery
b It.....
4 People believe that the writer has created an excellent plot.
a The writer
b it
5 They say that the sculptures are so lifelike.
a The sculptures
b it

1 They believe the famous singer is in town.
a The famous singer is believed to be in town.
b It is believed that the famous singer is in town.
2 They say the new X-Men film was a hit.
a The new X-Men film is said to have been a hit.
b It is said that the new X-Men film was a hit.
3 Locals think the art gallery is closing down.
a The art gallery is thought to be closing down.
b It is thought that the art gallery is closing down.
4 People believe that the writer has created an excellent plot.
a The writer is believed to have created an excellent plot.
b It is believed that the writer has created an excellent plot.
5 They say that the sculptures are so lifelike.
a The sculptures are said to be so lifelike.
b It is said that the sculptures are so lifelike.
Когда нам надо передать чьи-либо высказывания или предположения о ком-либо или о чем-либо, мы можем употреблять два типа конструкций с глаголом-сказуемым в страдательном/пассивном залоге.
1) It + passive (is believed/said) + that + придаточное предложение.
2) Subject + passive + to infinitive.
Инфинитив может иметь различные формы. Например, если речь идет о действии, совершившемся ранее, употребляется конструкция to have + past participle.
Обороты it + passive соответствуют в русском языке глаголам с неопределенно-личным значением. Наиболее часто встречаются:
it is said - говорят; it was said - говорили;
it is reported - сообщают; it was reported - сообщали;
it is expected - ожидается, ожидают; was expected - ожидали;
it is believed - полагают