Предмет: Биология, автор: AlekseyGrozny

50 БАЛЛОВ!!! Какие функции в организме человека выполняют разные звенья анализаторов?


Автор ответа: almondmilkie


Ана­ли­за­тор – это си­сте­ма ней­ро­нов, вос­при­ни­ма­ю­щих раз­дра­же­ния, про­во­дя­щих нерв­ные им­пуль­сы и обес­пе­чи­ва­ю­щих пе­ре­ра­бот­ку ин­фор­ма­ции. Каж­дый ана­ли­за­тор со­сто­ит из трех ча­стей.

1)  Пе­ри­фе­ри­че­ский отдел  — это ре­цеп­то­ры. Ре­цеп­тор вос­при­ни­ма­ет раз­дра­же­ние и пре­вра­ща­ет его в нерв­ный им­пульс, воз­буж­да­ет чув­стви­тель­ный ней­рон.

2)  Про­вод­ни­ко­вый отдел  — это нервы и про­во­дя­щие пути. Они про­во­дят воз­буж­де­ние к цен­траль­ной нерв­ной си­сте­ме.

3)  Цен­траль­ный, рас­по­ло­жен­ной в коре боль­ших по­лу­ша­рий  — окон­ча­тель­ный ана­лиз ин­фор­ма­ции, воз­ник­но­ве­ние об­ра­за.

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Imagine a person who couldn’t see or hear but despite this, they could still write, read and make friends. They also went to university, wrote many books, travelled all over the world and met 12 US presidents. What an amazing person that would be! Incredibly, a person like this really existed! Her name was Helen Keller. She was from Alabama in the USA and she was both blind and deaf.When Helen was only 1 year old, she had a terrible illness which left her unable to see or hear. Over the next few years, Helen would often scream and be very badly behaved. When she was 7, Helen’s family admitted that they needed help and they found a tutor for her, Anne Sullivan.Anne, who had very poor eyesight herself, was very strict with Helen. She started to teach her to spell out words with her hands, such as ‘doll’ and ‘cake’ but Helen didn’t really understand what the words meant. Then, one morning, Anne tried something new. She held Helen’s hand under some water and spelled ‘W-A-T-E-R’ into her other hand. That day, Helen learned 30 words!From then on, Helen progressed rapidly. She learnt to read Braille and to type with both a Braille and an ordinary typewriter. She also learnt to understand what her teacher was saying by feeling her mouth when she spoke.When Helen was 20, she went to university, where she began to write her first book, ‘The Story of My Life’. She graduated in 1904, becoming the first deaf-blind person to get a degree.Helen wrote a lot of books and essays, gave lectures around the world and worked hard to raise money for and improve the living conditions of the blind. All in all, Helen’s life was an incredible inspiration.