Предмет: Физика, автор: lazarevapolina012

8.Два точечных заряда 5 нКл и 6 нКл находятся в вакууме на расстоянии 0,3 м (k=9*109 Н*м2/Кл2) а) Определите силу с которой притягиваются два точечных заряда. [3] i.запишите данные в системе СИ й.Запишите формулу закона Кулона ii.Расчитайте силу притяжения двух точечных зарядов в) Каков характер взаимодействия между силой и точечным зарядом [1] c) Во сколько раз изменится сила, если заряд одного тела увеличить в 3 раза [1]​


Автор ответа: izbasarayan37







       q1*q2                    30*10^-9               30


        r^2                        0,09                  0,09


Похожие вопросы
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Vocabulary Review
Choose the correct option to fill in the gaps
1 I loved the ________________ in the film – the actors looked like aliens!
A characters B plot C special effects
2 The ________________ for the film was a village where we used to live.
A soundtrack B setting C screenplay
3 My uncle is a ________________ on a well-known TV quiz show.
A presenter B journalist C critic
4 I thought some of the ________________ in the novel were a bit long.
A episodes B chapters C pages
5 The actor Mark Murphy ________________ a magazine writer.
A played the role of B was based on C took place in
6 There was a lot of ________________ in the film, so we left before the end.
A comedy B adventure C violence
7 I enjoy watching ________________ drama because it’s about something that
really happened in the past.
A musical B historical C romantic
8 I’ve read all the ________________ of this film, and it looks really good.
A performances B stories C reviews

Grammar Review

1. Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct form.
1) This shopping centre is _____________ (large) I’ve seen in the USA.
2) Art in this gallery is ______________ (ordinary) to be displayed at the auction.
3) The houses in this neighbourhood are _____________ (expensive) than those by the
4) Eco-friendly manufacturers are trying to use materials that aren’t ____________
(harmful) to the environment as the ones major conglomerates do.
5) The flats in this building are not ________________ (spacious) to fit all our family.
2. Put the verbs into the -ing or to + infinitive form.
1) I’m never too tired ___________ (go) shopping.
2) I’d like ____________ (buy) some new clothes this Saturday.
3) I don’t mind ___________ (walk) around the shopping centre all day.
4) I prefer ____________ (save) money to ___________ (spend) it.
5) Do you ever regret ___________ (pay) more for certain things?