сравнительная степень прилагательных: large, brave, late, wet, dirty. told, warm, bad, fast, little, strong, good, slow, thin, cheap, old, beautiful, simple, lary, many.
larger- the largest, braver- the bravest, later--the latest, wetter- the wettest, dirty-dirtier- the dirtiest, tall? - taller- the tallest, warmer- the warmest, bad- worse- the wors, faster- the fastest, little- less- the least, stronger- the strongest, good- better- the best, slower- the slowest, thinner - the thinnest, cheaper- the cheapest, older - the oldest, more beautiful - the most beautiful, more simple- the most simple, large?-larger - the largest
Ответ: larger largest; bravier braviest; later latest; more wet the most wet; dirtier dirtiest; warmer warmest; faster fastest; smaller smallest; stronger strongest; better best; slower slowest; thinner thinniest; cheaper the most cheap; older oldest; more beautiful the most beautiful; simplier simpliest; lazier the laziest; more the most.
Объяснение: u welcome dear friend