Предмет: Геометрия, автор: kojakovamedeu

1-ЕСЕП.А) a"=n2-2п формуласымен берілген тiзбек 0;-1;3;9........ қайсы цифр мүшесі емес. В)ш.к.ГП-ның мүшелерiнiң қосындысының формуласын пайдаланып 0,3(4)-периодты санын жәи белшек түрінде жазыңдар. (5-бал)​


Автор ответа: askarovagaziza880108


Әрқайсысың 3 көбейтесін 1•3=3•3=9•3=27

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The main method of research was a mass survey on a formalized questionnaire of young
immigrants from the neighboring countries (aged 14 to 30) living in big cities (from SdO,OOd
people) of the Russian Federation. The survey was conducted in October 2017 in the following
cities and regions of the Russian Federation: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk Region,
Krasnoyarsk Territory, Krasnodar Territory, Rostov Region, Samara Region, primorsky
Territory, Tyumen Region, Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Okrug, Khanty-Mansisky
Autonomous District, Moscow region, Irkutsk region, Sverdlovsk region and other regions of the
Russian Federation. A total of 2000 respondents were interviewed. The research was carried out
within the framework of Rosmolodezh projects. .7
The purpose of the conducted sociological research was to research and identify the
problems of integration of migrants in the host society, the reasons that prompted immigrants to
resettle in the Russian Federation, the f-eatures of adaptation to new conditions and the
upbringing of children.
Among the main tasks of the research are following:
- research the readiness to join the life of the local community, to identify the main forms
of participation in the life of the host society, the readiness to interact constructively with it;
- identify the main problems of immigrants, research the extent to which their rights and
legitimate interests are rcalized, the degree of satisfaction with different aspects of life and
- identify the life plans and social expectations of immigrants with regard to further
actions for integration into the local community;
- determine the level of knowledge by young immigrants of the history, language, culture,
mentality of the host community;
- identify the main axes of emerging conflicts and inter-ethnic terisions, as well as the
main axes of constructive interaction;
- research the basic forms of integration of immigrants in the local community;
- identify factors that contribute to and impede the integration of migrants and the influx
of highly skilled migrants to Russia.
The structure of the migrants surveyed by sex: men - 59Yo; of women - 4l%. An analysis
of the age structure of the respondents shows that the most representative age group of young
immigrants are respondents aged lS ro 24 (72%), from 25 to 30 years old - I 6oh, and the smallest
- 14-17 years (12%),
The largest number of immigrants came from Ukraine (27%o), the Republic of Belarus
(18%), the Republic of Kazakhstan (9%) and the Republic of Azerbaij an (9Yo), other Central
Asian republics (10%), the Baltic republics (ll%),
By their education, the respondents represent a fairly different and heterogeneous
population. At the same time, the most of respondents, the most common is secondary general
education. It has about 40 percent of respondents. With an average professional - l4%;
bachelor's degree - 26%; master's degree - l3%. Due to their financial situation, young
immigrants are also different.
About half of the respondents have a monthly income of less than 20 thousand rubles
(54%). At the same time, a fbirly representative social group has fbrmed among young
immigrants, with a relatively high income of more than 50,000 rubles (15%), 20-50 thousand
rubles (31%). According to their marital status, the respondents are mostly single or not married