Предмет: Английский язык, автор: olyalavsa

я вас дуже прошу



Автор ответа: sotnicovamariya


1.didn't phoned


3. didn't have

4. finished

5. didn't eat dinner with

6. watched a film

7 didn't check her Facebook page.

8 Hazel slept very well.

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Українська мова, автор: anastasiakolodribska
Прочитайте текст. Якими рядками з тексту можна висловити основну думку прочитаного?

Недалеко від нашої хати росла вишня. Стара-стара, уже половина гілок зовсім засохла, а на половині ще родили ой які ж смачні ягоди! Запам’яталося: весною зацвіла тіль- ки одна гілка. Батько хотів зрубати вишню, бо вмирає ж вона... Та мати сказала: – Не треба рубати. Цю вишню посадив ще твій дідусь. Хай вродять вишні на оцій гілці... Вродили востаннє вишні. Зібрала мама кісточки та й по- садила в землю. Виросли з тих кісточок молоденькі вишні. Стара вишня засохла, а молоді вже цвітуть і плодоносять. Отак як та вишня не вмерла, а продовжила свій рід, так і народ ніколи не вмирає. Поки живе народ, доти живе Батьківщина… (За В. Сухомлинським).

ІІ. Випишіть із тексту займенники. П’ять із них (на вибір) розберіть письмово як частину мови.​
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Аннабелла26
Тесты по фильмам. Выберите правильный вариант ответа

1) Bilbo later uses it to …………………… at his 111th birthday party, which astonishes all his guests, who think he’s gone crazy .
a) disappear,
b) fly,
c) speak in elf language,
d) kill a giant spider .

2) The Dark Lord Sauron, who is the …………….. of Voldemort in Harry Potter, needs the Ring to become all-powerful and behave even worse than Hitler.
a) same,
b) equivalent,
c) master,
d) slave.

3) Therefore the wizard Gandalf, who is even mightier ………. Dumbledore, declares that the Ring must be destroyed .
a) as,
b) on,
c) than,
d) of.

4) Only Frodo Baggins, the new owner of the Ring, can do this .He ………. make the long and dangerous journey to destroy the Ring in the fires of Mount Doom .
a) decides to,
b) refuses to,
c) is ordered to,
d) really wants to.

5) Meanwhile, the former owner of the Ring, Gollum, is trying to get his valuable possession back .He calls the Ring ……………….
a) my darling,
b) my baby,
c) my beauty,
d) my precious .

6) Sauron sends out nine, scary supernatural horsemen, dressed in black, to find the Ring. They are called ……………
a) riders of the storm,
b) Dark Riders,
c) African-American equestrians,
d) mounted goblins.

7) Frodo sets out on his mission together with three hobbit ……………. , whom he can trust
a) friends,
b) warriors,
c) enemies,
d) comedians.

8) Lost in the Old Forest, Frodo and his companions are rescued ……… an angry willow tree by the kindly master of the territory Tom Bombadil.
a) by,
b) to,
c) from,
d) for.

9) Later, the owner of the inn at Bree showed the hobbits an important letter which Gandalf had left in his care and which he …………………………… send to them.
a) forget to,
b) will forget to,
c) was forgetting to,
d) had forgotten to.

10) Earlier that evening, Frodo had fallen over and accidentally put the Ring on his finger while he ………………… a funny song before all the guests in the inn.
a) was singing,
b) had sung,
c) will have sung,
d) is singing.

11) In Lord of the Rings the mortal hero Aragorn falls in love with the ……………… princess Arwen
a) orc,
b) elf,
c) dwarf,
d) witch.

12) When she eventually marries Aragorn, Arwen gives up her ………………..
a) immortality,
b) life,
c) mortality,
d) hobbit fiance .

13) Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit were filmed in ………………..
a) California,
b) New Zealand,
c) Montenegro,
d) Scotland.

14) In the films, the elf warrior Legolas ……………………… Orlando Bloom.
a) plays,
b) imitates,
c) is played by,
d) shows off.

15) When sensitive girls see the horrible orcs in the films, they scream because think they are really………………
a) terrifying,
b) handsome,
c) funny
d) attractive.

16) Lord of the Rings inspired the popular fantasy role playing game Dungeons and …………..
a) Castles,
b) Monsters,
c) Dwarves,
d) Dragons .

17) Dmitri Puchkov made a funny and rude Russian translation of the first two Lord of the Rings films using many ……………….
a) swear words,
b) words from kindergarten,
c) polite phrases,
d) medical terms.

18) When asked if the dark theme in Lord of the Rings was inspired by the Second World War, Tolkien replied that it was inspired more by the First World War because he had ………… in it.
a) fighting,
b) died,
c) fought,
d) made money.

19) Tolkien was a professor of philology at Oxford University and was deeply …………..in his fantasy writing by Norse mythology .
a) curious,
b) influenced,
c) worried,
d) alarmed.

20) Following Tolkien’s death at the age of 81, his son Christopher …………. and published his unfinished work, the Silmarillion, which quickly became a best seller.
a) destroyed,
b) stole,
c) bought,
d) edited.​