составить рассказ о любимом фильме (бойцовский клуб) не менее 50 слов на английском языке,дам 30 баллов
My favorite movie is fight Club. American motion picture released in 1999 year. Movie director David Fincher. The film stars Edward Norton, Brad Pitt and Helena Bonham Carter. Clerk, tormented by chronic insomnia, tries to escape from a boring life. One day he meets Tyler Darden Graduate, a charismatic trader SOAP with a strange philosophy. Tyler sure self-improvement-destiny of weak and self-destruction-the only thing worth living for. I liked the philosophy of film. There are a lot of phrases that remain in memory. In this film very clearly describes our time, because most people are content with less, they lack the shake in life, im not missing your Tyler.
Ответ: My favorite movie - a Fight Club. American film released in 1999. The film's director - David Fincher. The film is based on the eponymous novel by Chuck Palahniuk. Starring in the film performed by Edward Norton, Brad Pitt and Helena Bonham Carter. The film is based on the struggle of the hero with his growing discomfort of the consumer society. The clerk, tormented by chronic insomnia, trying to escape from a boring life. One day he meets Tyler Darden, a charismatic merchant soap with a strange philosophy. Tyler convinced that self-improvement - for the weak, and self-destruction - the only thing worth living for. I liked the philosophy of the film. There are a lot of phrases that remain in memory. In this film very clearly described our time as the majority of people are content with less, they do not have the shake-up in life, they do not have their Tyler