6 загадкок на английском про виды спорта
The sport which has arisen in England, is now popular in Evrazie, Avstralie and Africa?
Ответ: Football
What name sports in which synchronously jump from a tower in water?
Ответ: Synchronous jumps from a tower
What throw in a ring, in basketball?
Ответ: A basketball ball
My first is in Kendo, but not in Olympics.
My second is in hurdles and hunting.
My third is in bowman and bowling.
My fourth is in cycling and golf.
My fifth is in flying, but not in swimming.
My sixth is in running, but not in dancing.
My whole is a sport. What am I?
Ответ: Kung Fu
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what sport can also be eaten?
I am a winter sport.
You need a stick and a flat black puck to play me.
I am a team sport.
My games are very exciting.
When you score a point, it is called a goal.
You wear a helmet and skates when you play me.
I am played at Wimbledon, at the US Open, and the Australian Open.
Men and women play me.
You need a racquet and a yellow ball.
I can be played indoors and outdoors all year long.
People from what country never fail to complete a marathon?
(The Finnish)
I am a horse without legs and a body, I jump but never run. What kind of a horse am I?
(A chess piece (horse/knight))