Решите все пожалуйста срочно 30 Балов

1. 1) long - longer
2) short - shorter
3) young - younger
4) wide - wider
5) deep - deeper
6) high - higher
7) big - bigger
8) loud - louder
2. 1) small - smaller
2) tall - taller
3) loud - louder
4) long - longer
5) quiet - quieter
6) big - bigger
7) slow - slower
8) high - higher
9) fast - faster
10) short - shorter
11) old - older
12) young - younger
3. 1) A is higher than B
2) A is older than B
3) B is bigger than A
4) B is wider than A
5) A is quieter than B
6) A is taller than B
4. 1) small - the smallest
2) tall - the tallest
3) loud - the loudest
4) long - the longest
5) quiet - the quietest
6) big - the biggest
7) slow - the slowest
8) high - the highest
9) fast - the fastest
10) short - the shortest
11) old - the oldest
12) young - the youngest
5. 1) F
2) F
3) T
4) F
5) T
6) T