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Цей дивовижний процес притаманний рослинам, певним бактеріям та деяким протистам. Він забезпечує організму суперздатність – утворення для себе поживних речовин. Для цього необхідні лише вуглекислий газ, вода та світло. Для рослинних організмів (які не є паразитами) цей процес – єдиний шлях отримання поживних речовин, а для певних протистів – один із можливих шляхів. Цей процес має глобальне значення для живих організмів на планеті Земля, адже забезпечує засвоєння енергії Сонця
1) Процес, про який іде мова, носить назву …
2) У рослинній клітині цей процес відбувається в органелах, які називаються …
3) У результаті процесу, про який іде мова, виділяється побічний для рослин продукт, який водночас є життєво необхідним для нас. Цей продукт називається …
Reading Read the text. Match sentences A-G with gaps 1-5. There are two extra sentences.
Shopping habits in the UK have changed over the last sixty years, and this can be seen in the changing appearance of any British high street- the main shopping street in a town or city. In the 1950s, high streets had rows of individual shops selling different things. 1 Most people did this every few days in order to buy fresh food. The high street was a sociable place to be. This started to change in the 1970s with the arrival of supermarkets. They gave people the chance to buy everything that they needed in one place. People didn't need to go to individual shops any more. 2 So this new type of shop, along with a new way of storing meat and fruit at home, meant that instead of doing a small shop every few days, people could buy all the food that they needed for a week, or sometimes even a month. As supermarkets became more popular, they changed from small local shops to huge superstores. ³ They took people away from the high street. They also tried to offer customers everything that they needed, like a coffee shop, a hairdresser's and a chemist's. But this meant that the shops on the high street started to close down as they lost their customers. 4 These days, more and more people are choosing not to go to supermarkets to do their shopping. 5 People are also trying to spend less money, so a new type of discount shop has become very popular. It may be because of this that people have stopped doing big weekly or monthly shops. Now they go to shops more frequently to buy what they need for the next few days. So, in many ways, people seem to be going back to the way people shopped in the 1950s.
A The idea was to get customers to spend all their money in one place.
B Customers knew exactly where to find the things they needed in each shop. C And because of their size, many of these supermarkets were outside town.
D People loved it because they had never had the chance to do all their shopping there before. E At the same time, more and more people had freezers in their houses. F There was a greengrocer's next to a butcher's next to a baker's, and people visited each place to do their shopping.
G Instead, they are using the internet to shop from home and get their shopping delivered.