Предмет: Українська мова, автор: lera9644

1. Я сказав не любиш ти! Стала. Глянула. Промовила (П. Тичина). 2. Тумани линуть вгору, вго- ру, а хмари - вниз (П. Тичина). 3. Повернувся, хоч тебе й не кликала. А слідом весна моя заблукана (О. Теліга). 4. Але для мене - у святім союзi душа і тіло, щастя з гострим болем (О. Теліга). 5. За вік- нами день холоне. У вікнах - перші вогні... (О. Теліга). 6. I десь там юрми, натовпи, там люди! Там зорі в небі чисті, як ромен (Л. Костенко). 7. Таке було гарнесеньке хлоп'ятко. Цікаве. А ласкаве, як телятко (Л. Костенко). 8. I обнявся смiх з журбою, ненависть - з любов'ю... (В. Симоненко).

З'ясуйте, який член речення пропущено в неповних реченнях.​


Автор ответа: venglki08


1. ти стала. ти глянула. ти промовила.( ти можна замінити на вона) пропущено підмет

2. а хмари линуть вниз, пропущено присудок

3. а слідом йшла весна моя заблукана, пропущено присудок

4. не знаю

5. у вікнах світяться перші вогні. пропущено присудок

6. і десь там є юрми, натовпи, там люди! там зорі в небі є чисті , як ромен, пропущено присудок

7. пропущено підмети

8. пропущено присудок, ненависть онялась з любов'ю

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Too Dear for the King
Many years ago an English King who knew very little about his people left London to travel in the country. He wanted to see how people in villages lived and what they did. During his trip he made stops in different places to spend the night or to get some food.
One day he came to a little village and stopped there to have breakfast. He asked for some coffee, bread and butter and some eggs.
A farmer prepared his breakfast and the King ate bread and butter and two eggs and drank a cup of coffee. Then he asked, “How much should I pay for my breakfast?” The price was very high and the King didn’t like it.
“What?!” said the King. “So much for a little bread and butter, a cup of coffee and two eggs? Isn’t that too dear? There must be very few eggs in your village.”
“Oh, no,” answered the man, “there are many eggs in our village, but these days there are few kings here.”

Listen to the text and choose the correct item to complete the sentences.
1. An English king knew …
A. everything about his people.
B. very little about his people
C. nothing about his people
2. The king left London to travel and see …
A. how people lived
B. the beauty of his country
C. some old castles
2 из 3
3. One day he stopped in a little village …
A. to spend the night
B. to have some rest
C. to have breakfast
4. He asked for some …, bread and butter and some eggs.
A. tea
B. milk
C. coffee
5. The king ate …
A. three eggs
B. one egg
C. two eggs
6. He drank a cup of …
A. tea
B. coffee
C. milk
7. The price was …
A. very high
B. very low
C. high
8. The king …
A. didn’t like it
B. liked it
C. didn’t look at it
9. The king said that the price was …
3 из 3
A. not very dear
B. too dear
C. cheap
10. The king said,” The must be in the village….”
A. very many eggs
B. a lot of eggs
C. very few eggs
11. The price was very high because there were in the village…
A. few eggs
B. few kings
C. little food