Предмет: Английский язык, автор: alisoproperdsh

I. 1. Match the parts of the situations. Fill in too or enough. 1) I don't like this coffee. It's not sweet 2) Nobody could move the piano. It was 3) I don't wear this jacket in winter. It isn't warm 2. Read and underline the correct answer. 1) There is a little/few juice in the glass. 2) Are there some/any apples on the dish? 3) There are little/some biscuits on the plate. II. 1. Choose the right variant. 1) She plays tennis .... A now; B every Sunday; C already; D this week 2)This doctor will work .... A yesterday; B now; C tomorrow; D always. 3) Our teacher brought us a new map .... A last week; B next week; C often; D usually. 4) There's someone/anyone at the door. 5) Does anybody/anything remember me? 6) I have seen you something/somewhere before. III. Choose the correct grammar form. 1) This task is ... than that one. heavy. A many difficult; B difficulter; C more difficult; D the most difficult. 2) Her parents ... not... home yet. A has come; B have come C are coming D came 3) My granny... a cake now. A bake; B are baking; C is baking; D baked 4) This doctor... tomorrow. A work; B will work; C shall work; D worked 5) My mother ... me a new book last week.​


Автор ответа: Juliyasha11


I. 1. Match the parts of the situations. Fill in too or enough. 1) I don't like this coffee. It's not sweet enough2) Nobody could move the piano. It was  too heavy.3) I don't wear this jacket in winter. It isn't warm enough .

2. Read and underline the correct answer. 1) There is a little juice in the glass. 2) Are there any apples on the dish? 3) There are some biscuits on the plate.

1. Choose the right variant. 1) She plays tennis ....  B every Sunday 2)This doctor will work .... C tomorrow 3) Our teacher brought us a new map .... A last week 4) There's someone at the door. 5) Does anybody remember me? 6) I have seen you somewhere before.

III. Choose the correct grammar form. 1) This task is ... than that one. heavy C more difficult 2) Her parents ... not... home yet.B have come  3) My granny... a cake now. C is baking 4) This doctor... tomorrow. B will work


hiao: спасибо большое
Juliyasha11: Пожалуйста
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