1. Most of English schools have :(numbers/names/numbers and names) . 2. But for her help I wouldn't have done it/ will have done it).). 3. Mr. Brown, (can/ could) you help me)? 4.1 could swim well, so I could/ was able to) cross the river. 5. How many English words (may/ can) you remember in one go? 6. Will you come (over/ round) tonight? 7. Where (is/are) the money?-(They/ it) ( is/are) on the table. 8. On tiptoe means: познакомиться/на цыпочках/сердить 9. (Most/mostly) of my friends are my classmates. 10. Have you been abroad ( late / lately)? 11. The subject that English children do not do in primary school is: (religion/maths/foreign langua 12. I have spent (near/nearly) all my pocket money 13. The film was ( highly/high) praised by the jury. 14., Cats like to be ... under their chins.(droned/forced/tickled) 15. There are clouds in the sky. I'm sure it (may /might) rain tomorrow. 16. She smiles (more brightly/ most brightly) than the sun. 17. The girl dances (more gracefully/ most gracefully) of all. 18. What's the matter?-A fire broke ( away/out/down) in the hotel. 19. Excuse me, what are you queuing (after/for/at)? 20. (To/for/at) Mary's relief the film was quite good. 21. This doctor is a real (witch/ wizard): he can work miracles. 22. Anita is (learning/studying) to ski. 23.We must (learn/study) the map before we start our journey. 24. The Greens have just moved into our (neighborhood/ surroundings). 25. He lives ( farther/ furthest) than his friend.
1. Most of English schools have names.
2. But for her help I wouldn't have done it.
3. Mr. Brown, could you help me?
4. I could swim well, so I was able to cross the river.
5. How many English words can you remember in one go?
6. Will you come round tonight?
7. Where is the money? - It is on the table.
8. On tiptoe means: на цыпочках.
9. Most of my friends are my classmates.
10. Have you been abroad lately?
11. The subject that English children do not do in primary school is foreign language.
12. I have spent nearly all my pocket money.
13. The film was highly praised by the jury.
14. Cats like to be tickled under their chins.
15. There are clouds in the sky. I'm sure it may rain tomorrow.
16. She smiles more brightly than the sun.
17. The girl dances most gracefully of all.
18. What's the matter? - A fire broke out in the hotel.
19. Excuse me, what are you queuing for?
20. To Mary's relief the film was quite good.
21. This doctor is a real wizard: he can work miracles.
22. Anita is learning to ski.
23. We must study the map before we start our journey.
24. The Greens have just moved into our neighborhood.
25. He lives farther than his friend.
1. У большинства английских школ есть названия.
2. Если бы не её помощь, я бы этого не сделал.
3. Мистер Браун, не могли бы вы мне помочь?
4. Я хорошо плавал, поэтому смог пересечь реку.
5. Сколько английских слов вы можете запомнить за один раз?
6. Ты придёшь сегодня вечером?
7. Где деньги? - Они на столе.
8. "On tiptoe" означает: на цыпочках.
9. Большинство моих друзей - мои одноклассники.
10. Были ли вы в последнее время за границей?
11. Предмет, которым английские дети не занимаются в начальной школе - это иностранный язык.
12. Я потратил почти все свои карманные деньги.
13. Фильм получил высокую оценку жюри.
14. Кошки любят, когда их щекочут под подбородком.
15. На небе облака. Я уверен, что завтра может пойти дождь.