Предмет: Алгебра, автор: vvadishka2020

Знайдiть суму та рiзницю многочленiв:
1)c-8 i с+3
2)-p^2+3p-5 i p^2-7


Автор ответа: ilaffyvashie
1) c - 8 і c + 3 =
c - 8
c + 3
c - 8 = c - 8
c + 3 = c + 3
(c - 8) x (c + 3);

2) -p^2 + 3p - 5 і p^2 - 7 =
-p^2 + 3p - 5
p^2 - 7
-p^2 + 3p - 5 = -p^2 + 3p - 5
p^2 - 7 = p^2 - 7
(-p^2 + 3p - 5) x (p^2 - 7).
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: vikakalinina280
Ex 18 Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. Use the correct form. Translate the sentences into Russian.
spoil (3), spend (2), interrupt (2), hurry u, n; admire, admiration, pre­pare (2), afford, miss u (2), lie и (3), rise v, raise (2), cut v, mention v, art, price (2), expensive, chance (2)

1. I was eager to say my word in the general discussion but they never gave me a —, they were — me all the time. 2. The sandwiches were — and — on the plate. Now she could start making the tea. She had her own special way of — it. 3. There was no hope of agreement. Hours were — in useless talk. 4. His temperature suddenly —. He was told to — down and keep the bed for some days. 5. We all — the way the girl stopped the argument without even — her voice. 6. I fully agree with you that as a book it is quite worthless, but it was made into a beautiful film, a real work of —. 7. The plan was discussed and agreed upon last week. Nothing can be changed, so why — the question again? 8 Somebody pushed him and the coffee was all over his shirt. The shirt was — so was the tie. 9. The post office stands at the corner of the street, you can't — it. 10. The bell gave a loud ring and she — out of the room to answer the door. 11. The — was too high. I couldn't — such an — cam­era at the moment. Well, I would have to do without it a little longer. 12. The painter was spoken of with —. 13. My friend had clearly left in a —. His things were — all over the room. 14. It was a wonderful — and I didn't want to — it. 15. Too much salt will — any dish. 16. The dress was very pretty and cheap at the — too, but she had already — a lot of money on herself as it was. 17. The vacation was — for them by the heavy rains. They weren't at all — for such weather. 18. Don t you know it's bad manners to — people? 19. The incident was spoken of in a general way. No names were —.
Предмет: Математика, автор: olhasamsonova08