Предмет: Английский язык, автор: matik5

Verb and noun suffixes
4 Read and complete the text with the correct form of the words.
confess penalize prosecute plea convict defend

In 1987, a young woman was brutally murdered in Hunan Province, China. The body was identified as that of Shi Xiaorong,
who had recently disappeared from a nearby village. A few months later, a young man, Teng Xingshan, found himself on trial
for her murder. The 1
alleged that Teng had had a relationship with Shi and murdered her after an argument about
money. As evidence, they produced Teng's 2
of guilt, which some campaigners suspect may have been extracted
from the 3
by torture. Although he
innocent throughout the trial, the court found him guilty of murder.
And the 5
for the crime? Death. Teng was executed by gunshot in 1989.
Four years later, Shi Xiaorong, the woman he was supposed to have murdered, was spotted in her village alive and well.
Teng's family heard about her return through the grapevine, but it took them many years to track her down and persuade her
to 6
to the authorities that Teng had done her no harm. Finally, sixteen years after his execution, Teng's murder 7
was overturned and he was declared an innocent man.


Автор ответа: Аноним

Ответ:In 1987, a young woman was brutally murdered in Hunan Province, China. The body was identified as that of Shi Xiaorong, who had recently disappeared from a nearby village. A few months later, a young man, Teng Xingshan, found himself on trial for her murder. The prosecution alleged that Teng had had a relationship with Shi and murdered her after an argument about money. As evidence, they produced Teng's confession of guilt, which some campaigners suspect may have been extracted from the defendant by torture. Although he pleaded innocent throughout the trial, the court found him guilty of murder. And the penalty for the crime? Death. Teng was executed by gunshot in 1989. Four years later, Shi Xiaorong, the woman he was supposed to have murdered, was spotted in her village alive and well. Teng's family heard about her return through the grapevine, but it took them many years to track her down and persuade her to testify to the authorities that Teng had done her no harm. Finally, sixteen years after his execution, Teng's murder conviction was overturned and he was declared an innocent man.

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