17. Pronounce correctly and give the Russian equivalents of the fol- lowing word combinations and expressions: a National Curriculum was introduced; to take assessment tests; must be taught; to leave school; to take A levels; traditional subjects; half the content; an introductory class 18. Give the English equivalents of the following word combinations and expressions: в школе около 100 детей; четыре класса по 25 человек в каж- дом; на стенах много интересных предметов; картинки, нарисо- ванные детьми; игрушки ручной работы; дети собираются вокруг учителя на ковре; гербарий с цветами 19. Find pairs of synonyms in a and b: a) to leave, to unite, to start, to keep, to happen, to surprise, to love, to get; b) to adore, to depart, to obtain, to join, to astonish, to occur, to initiate, to preserve. 20. Find pairs of antonyms in a and b: a) to remember, to lend, to send, to buy, to end, to ask, to build, to lose, to fall, to give; b) to answer, to receive, to find, to take, to forget, to rise, to sell, to borrow, to begin, to break.
a. A National Curriculum was introduced (uh NASH-uh-nuhl KUH-rik-yuh-lum) - Был введен национальный учебный план
to take assessment tests (tuh teyk uh-SES-muhnt tes-ts) - проходить оценочные тесты
must be taught (muhst biy tawt) - должен быть обучен
to leave school (tuh leev skuhl) - покинуть школу
to take A levels (tuh teyk ey levlz) - сдавать A-уровни (экзамены в Великобритании)
traditional subjects (truh-dish-uh-nuhl suhb-jikts) - традиционные предметы
half the content (haf thuh kuhn-tent) - половина содержания
an introductory class (uhn in-troh-duh-sree klas) - вводный курс
There are about 100 children in the school (dhuhr uh-bawt wuhn-drid chir-drun in thuh skuhl) - В школе около 100 детей
There are four classes with 25 people in each (dhuhr fawr klas-iz wihd twen-ty fiyv pip-uhl in ihch) - Четыре класса по 25 человек в каждом
There are many interesting objects on the walls (dhuhr mey-nee in-tri-stin ob-jekts on thuh wawlz) - На стенах много интересных предметов
Pictures drawn by children (pik-churz drawn bai chir-drun) - Картинки, нарисованные детьми
Handmade toys (hahnd-meyd toyz) - Игрушки ручной работы
The children gather around the teacher on the carpet (thuh chir-drun guh-thuhr uh-round thuh tiy-chuhr on thuh kahr-puh) - Дети собираются вокруг учителя
a) to leave - to depart
to unite - to join
to start - to initiate
to keep - to preserve
to happen - to occur
to surprise - to astonish
to love - to adore
to get - to obtain
b) to adore - to love
to depart - to leave
to obtain - to get
to join - to unite
to astonish - to surprise
to occur - to happen
to initiate - to start
to preserve - to keep
a) to remember - to forget
to lend - to borrow
to send - to receive
to buy - to sell
to end - to begin
to ask - to answer
to build - to break
to lose - to find
to fall - to rise
to give - to take
b) to answer - to ask
to receive - to send
to find - to lose
to take - to give
to forget - to remember
to rise - to fall
to sell - to buy
to borrow - to lend
to begin - to end
to break - to build