Task 3. Answer the questions.
1. When was Prince Harry born?
2. Where did they use to go with their mother?
3. When was Eton College founded?
4. Did Harry study as well as his brother?
5. What kinds of sports does he go in
6. When did he leave Eton? срочно
1. Prince Harry was born on September 15, 1984.
2. Prince Harry and his brother, Prince William, used to go on public engagements and charitable events with their mother, Princess Diana.
3. Eton College was founded in 1440.
4. Yes, Prince Harry studied at Eton College, just like his brother Prince William.
5. Prince Harry is known to enjoy a variety of sports, including polo, skiing, and rugby.
6. Prince Harry graduated from Eton College in 2003.
1912 (the writer was born),
1933 (he graduated from Vinnytsia Pedagogical Institute),
1936 (the first poems were published),
1941 (the first collection of poems "Good Morning", the first wounding),
1944 (collection of prose "Birch Juice", second wounding),
1964 ("Geese-swans fly")
1983 (he died).
1. Prince Harry was born on September 15, 1984.
2. Diana would often smuggle her two sons out of the palace to take them to a very special place that was not often visited by royals.
3. It was founded by Henry VI in 1440–41 for 70 highly qualified boys who received scholarships from a fund endowed by the king.
4. Harry and William had different experiences at school. A former schoolmate once said Harry had trouble fitting in, but William was a star student.
5. Prince Harry excelled at sport at school and was a house games captain at Eton. He has a particular passion for Rugby but also he enjoys polo and skiing.
1912 ( народився письменник),
1933 (закінчив Вінницький педагогічний інститут),
1936 ( вийшли друком перші вірші),
1941 (перша збірка віршів « Добрий ранок», перше поранення),
1944 (збірка прози «Березовий сік», друге поранення),
1964 («Гуси-лебеді летять),
1983 ( помер). помогите