lll Form Thursday, the fifteenth of December Test 1) Choose the word 1. We always (help, helps) our mother in the house 2. Kate (plays, play) snowballs in winter 3. An artist (paint, paints) beautiful pictures 4. My parents never (sings, sing) in the room 5. Our granny (feed, feeds) her dog every day 6. Mike and Tony (writes, write) dictations at school 7. They (do, does) homework every day 8. His mother (listens, listen) to music II. Match and make the sentences. 1. A teacher makes new machines. 2. A pilot makes TV programs. 3. A journalist cooks for people 4. A cook flies a plane. 5. An engineer teaches children. III. Make a possessive case 1. Cook/cake 2. Policeman/radio 3. Programmer/computer 4. Doctor/hat 5. Student/pencil
1) Choose the correct word:
We always help our mother in the house.
Kate plays snowballs in winter.
An artist paints beautiful pictures.
My parents never sing in the room.
Our granny feeds her dog every day.
Mike and Tony write dictations at school.
They do homework every day.
His mother listens to music.
2) Match and make the sentences:
A teacher makes new machines.
A pilot flies a plane.
A journalist makes TV programs.
A cook cooks for people.
An engineer teaches children.
3) Possessive case:
Cook's cake.
Policeman's radio.
Programmer's computer.
Doctor's hat.
Student's pencil.
lll Form Thursday, the fifteenth of December Test
1) Choose the word
1. We always help our mother in the house
2. Kate plays snowballs in winter
3. An artist paints beautiful pictures
4. My parents never sing in the room
5. Our granny feeds her dog every day
6. Mike and Tony write dictations at school
7. They do homework every day
8. His mother listens to music
III. Make a possessive case
1. Cook's cake
2. His radio
3. Programmer's computer
4. Doctor's hat
5. Student's pencil
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