Підготуйтесь до контрольної!!!Особливу увагу зверніть на останнє завдання(написати не менше 60 слів есе) Теми 1.молодіжний одяг, культура, ваш стиль одягу.2.Професії, вимоги до професії, ваші плани.
Youth fashion is an integral part of youth culture and reflects the values and attitudes of young people. It is a way for individuals to express themselves and stand out from the crowd. For me, my style of clothing is a mix of comfort and trendy pieces. I like to incorporate both classic and unique items into my outfits, as I believe it adds a touch of personality to my appearance.
In terms of professions, I am currently studying to become a teacher. The requirements for this profession include a bachelor's degree in education and a teaching certification. I am passionate about education and believe that it has the power to transform lives. In the future, I hope to use my knowledge and skills to make a positive impact on the lives of my students.