на анг мові написати текст про вигаданий вами новорічний фільм, його сюжет, чи мав би він продовження і подібне. Або текст про якусь новорічну традицію, історія її виникнення і застосування будь добрі
I would call my film "A Nightmare with a Nightmare". It would tell about a loving family that decided to go to the mountains on New Year's Eve. Every night there was a sweet fairy tale. I think everyone would like something hot with cookies in the evenings. One day, a boy from this family woke up at night due to unreasonable anxiety. But when he opened his eyes, he saw nothing. Behind him, he felt a light touch of the child’s hand and heard: “You don’t have to worry, I just want to play with you ... . the boy thought that he found himself in a horror movie or in a nightmare in which a ghost would chase him, but turning around, he saw a sweet angel, whose smile shone with kindness and calmness. They played, walked around the house and outside it all night. in the morning the boy was awakened by his mother, saying that it was time for breakfast. While they were at this resort, an angel came every night to have fun and play. One night, the angel came without his always beaming smile and said: - I was pleased to play with you ... but if you do not leave tomorrow's flight, grief will happen - your mother will be poisoned. the boy with the angel had no time for games, they wanted to save the boy's mother. The story will continue with many more events, but who knows if they will be able to realize what they want? find out in this interesting movie
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