нужно написать 5-6 преложений о моих лучших друзьях
I have good friends. I often go to different places with them. Yesterday we went to the movies. My friend dropped me popkorm, it was very fun. Then we all walked through the park. I really had a good time with them. У меня есть хорошие друзья. Я часто хожу в разные места с ними . Вчера мы ходили в кино . Мой друг уронил на меня попкорм,это было очень весело . Потом мы все вместе прошлись по парку . Я очень хорошо провела время с ними.
My best friends are very important for me. They can help me, if I in a difficult situation. They can make me happy. I can spend my time with them: go to the cinema, to the park, go for a walk. If I am sad, they can cheer up me. I am sure, that we will always best friends, because love them.