Предмет: История, автор: sofiatropak




Автор ответа: tanaplanickaa


вот, извини остальное не знаю





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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: abitaevnursultan5
Would you stand outside the London underground looking for a job? That is precisely what 23- year-old Omar Bashir did last summer. 1 He stayed there from 7 a.m. holding up a big sign. 2 Omar had qualified with a good degree in economics from City University, London, and had been working in a basic marketing job for some time. In order to further his career, he had applied for nearly 100 jobs, but without success. He said, 'The graduate job market is extremely competitive and good grades are not good enough. It's important to do something that catches people's attention.' So he took advice from his father, who he greatly admired. His father and uncle used to have market stalls in Petticoat Lane which sold women's clothes and mobile phone accessories. 'I picked up a lot of my selling skills from there,' Omar said. His father told him, You can sell anything.' So then Omar decided that the time had come to tell himself. On the second day, Omar stood outside another underground station, this time Cannon Street, with the same sign. 3 Early on the second day, however, he was noticed by the CEO of a top insurance firm, who took his CV. He was called in for an interview that afternoon, and at the end of the day he had a job. David Ross, who gave Omar the interview, said, 'Omar's work ethic, inclusive nature, willingness to learn and humility means that he has fitted straight into the organisation.' ● Task 1. Read the text and match sentences A-D with gaps 1-3 in the text. There is one extra sentence. A. He thought the job offer was too good to be true. B. He found a place at the top of the stairs at Bank Station in the heart of London's financial district. C. Although the first day had resulted in some interesting conversations, nothing had come of them. D. Omar used to help them at weekends. Task 2. Read the newspaper article. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1. Omar Bashir is in his twenties. 2. He doesn't have a university qualification. 3. He finally got a job.​
Предмет: Литература, автор: leontevasanya
що б змінилося в житті Устини зараз? Що б вона могла змінити?
марко вовчок "інститутка"​

Кароче я написала. вот если кому-то надо:
Устина, як і всі кріпаки, не мала власної волі. Не могла вирішувати як їй жити і що робити. Наприклад, коли вона жила у старої пані, то з іншими дівчатами сиділи з ранку і до самої ночі в хаті, не бачучи білого світу. Зараз бы, Устина могла б звільнитися з такої роботи.
Чи коли Устина стала покоївкою молодої панночки, то її хазяйка ледь не задушила дівчину через не таку зачіску. Сьогодні таке карається законом.
Було таке, що хазяйка вивезла дівчину з рідного села на хутір. У сьогодення таке неможливо. Устина б нікуди не поїхала без власного бажання.
Під кінець Устина тікає разом з Прокопом у місто, де звільняється від панів і працює наймичкою. Зараз вони могли б все життя прожити у рідному селі, а не тікати він такого страшного життя.