Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box.
1. Can you look up the capital of Poland on the internet?
2. I can't come with you tonight. I look after my little brother on Mondays because my parents work until late.
3. When I was at the supermarket, I came across an old friend from school.
4. The alarm went off in the middle of the night.
5. Why don't you take James and come round for lunch tomorrow? I love cooking for my friends.
6. The children are looking forward to their school trip. They are very excited.
7. Look out! There's a car coming this way.
8. The boys came up with a great plan yesterday.
look up - искать (в словаре, в интернете)
look after - присматривать за (больным человеком / ребенком / животными)
come across - столкнуться с, случайно встретить
go off - зазвинеть, сработать (о будильнике или сигнализации)
come round - прийти, зайти в гости
look forward to - с нетерпением ждать
look out - осторожно!
come up with - предложить (идею, план)