Предмет: Английский язык, автор: karen251510

The largest lake in the western United States is the Great Salt Lake, an inland saltwater lake in northwestern Utah, just outside the state capital of Salt Lake City. Rivers and streams feed into the Great Salt Lake, but none drain out of it; this has a major influence on both the salt content and the size of the lake.
Although the Great Salt Lake is fed by freshwater streams, it is actually saltier than the oceans of the world. The salt comes from the more than two million tons of minerals that flow into the lake each year from the rivers and creeks that feed it. Sodium and chloride — the components of salt — comprise the large majority of the lake's mineral content.
The Great Salt Lake can vary tremendously from its normal size of 1,700 square miles, depending on long-term weather conditions. During periods of heavy rains, the size of the lake can swell tremendously from the huge amounts of water flowing into the Salt Lake from its feeder rivers and streams; in 1980 the lake even reached a size of 2,400 square miles. During periods of dry weather, the size of the lake decreases, sometimes drastically, due to evaporation.
Task 1: Questions (choose the correct letter a, b, c or d):
1. The passage is NOT telling about...
a) the location of the lake;
b) the formation of the lake;
c) the reasons for saltiness;
d) the size of the lake.

2. The word "drain" means:
a) walk;
b) stop;
c) flow;
d) cross.

3. According to the passage, the size of the lake depends on ...
a) one reason;
b) two reasons;
c) three reasons;
d) four reasons.

4. It may be inferred from the passage that...
a) the water leaves the lake through some underground passages;
b) the water evaporates intensively from the surface;
c) the water only feeds the lake without leaving it;
d) there is no water at all but a saline and mineral solution.

5. The lake is salty because ...
a) salty rivers flow into it;
b) its bottom is made of salt;
c) salt is not carried out of the lake;
d) it is a part of an ocean.


Автор ответа: DepsCian


The passage is NOT telling about the formation of the lake.

The word "drain" means: flow.

According to the passage, the size of the lake depends on two reasons.

It may be inferred from the passage that the water evaporates intensively from the surface.

The lake is salty because salt is not carried out of the lake.


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Определите вид придаточных предложений. Укажите, при помощи каких союзов или союзных слов связаны части предложений.

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A) Изъяснительное. B) Сравнительное.
C) Времени. D) Определительное.

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A) Условия. B) Цели.
C) Сравнительное. D) Изъяснительное.

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A) Изъяснительное. B) Сравнительное.
C) Времени. D) Определительное.

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A) Цели. B) Сравнительное.
C) Изъяснительное. D) Определительное.

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A) Условия. B) Цели.
C) Сравнительное. D) Изъяснительное.

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A) Цели. В) Сравнительное.
С) Изъяснительное. D) Определительное.

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A) Изъяснительное. B) Сравнительное.
С) Времени. D) Определительное.

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A) Условия. B) Цели.
C) Уступки. D) Изъяснительное.