Предмет: Литература, автор: sofiagabrus

Помогите плис "як я уявляю школу майбутнього" плис прошу


Автор ответа: stellafaIIry



Цікаво поміркувати над тим, якою буде школа в майбутньому. Не можу сказати, що сучасна школа мені зовсім не подобається. І все-таки, я думаю, що пройде час – десятиліття, а може навіть століття, і навчання в школі кардинально зміниться. Зовсім непросто уявити, яким буде наше майбутнє взагалі. Тому мені дуже цікаво помріяти про те, якою буде школа, коли людина відкриє для себе нові раніше незвідані секрети науки.

В майбутньому учні стануть рідко займатися в класах, набагато більше часу буде присвячено практичним заняттям. Тобто, наприклад, біологію вони будуть вивчати на природі в лісах, полях. Всі рослини та тварини будуть демонструватися наочно, паралельно буде пояснюватися теоретичний матеріал про них.

Іноземні мови вивчатимуться в країнах, де на них говорять. Школярів та вчителів будуть вивозити, наприклад, до Англії на півроку, і вони, спілкуючись з носіями мови, швидко її освоять. Було б ще цікавіше, якби подібним чином проходили уроки географії. Але для цього потрібен надшвидкісний транспорт, який, я думаю, обов’язково винайдуть.

Думаю, оцінки в школі майбутнього зовсім скасують. На уроках школярі не просто будуть заучувати матеріал і вирішувати одні й ті ж завдання, а виконувати наукові та творчі завдання, а потім виступати зі своїми роботами на спеціальних конференціях. Вчителів буде набагато більше, ніж зараз, тому індивідуальні заняття з учнями будуть регулярними.

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Penza State University is one of the greatest and prestigious higher schools in the Volga region. The history of Penza State University dates back to 1943, when, during the Great Patriotic War, Odessa Industrial Institute was evacuated to Penza. So the University was founded as a polytechnic on the basis of the Odessa Industrial Institute. Since that time the University has grown into the center of education, culture and science. Full University status was awarded in 1993. At present about 10.000 students study at the University, more than 600 teachers, associate professors and professors are on its staff. 360 of them are candidates and doctors of science. The University is housed in 10 buildings. The class-rooms and lecture-halls, the laboratories and workshops are equipped with up-to-date instruments, computers, machine-tools, audio-visuals and other training appliances. There is a rich library, 4 reading-rooms, a dining hall, 5 dormitories and a sports complex at the disposal of students. So the University has all the facilities necessary for successful studies and rest. Today Penza State University is made up of 11 main faculties: machine-building automation, instrument-making, radio-electronics, computer science, automation and information technology, economics and management and others. The University has also an extra-mural department, a preparatory course department and continuing education courses. The course of training includes various activities. During the academic year students attend lectures and seminars, carry out laboratory tests and get consultations from the teachers. At the end of each term they take examinations. The students who make good progress in their studies are entitled to scholarships. The course is divided into two stages. In the first and second years students study general engineering subjects (mathematics, physics, descriptive geometry) and some humanities (history, philosophy, foreign languages). It gives a solid basis of general education to future specialists. Special subjects are taught in senior courses. Much attention is paid to practical instruction. Students gain practical experience at plants, research institutes and design bureaus of the city. During the final term undergraduates carry out their graduation projects. They defend them before an examination board and become graduates. At the end of the university course they receive graduation diplomas and go to work to different branches of engineering.

Those graduates who wish to make scientific careers may stay at the University and apply for post-graduate courses. The University has both full- time and extra-mural courses of post-graduate training where they carry on scientific research. Their supervisors are Doctors of Sciences. On completing their work they submit theses for a scientific degree. Penza State University is a famous center of science. The major part of scientific research work is done by the teaching staff. Students may also take part in scientific investigation. Many of the University's leading scientists try to attract as many students as possible to their own field of science. Students may join the Students' Scientific Society to investigate scientific problems, carry on research in experimental laboratories, design up-to-date instruments, learn modern research methods. Once a year the Students' Scientific Society members make reports at scientific conferences. Some students take part in the competition "For the Best Scientific Work of Students” and win diplomas, medals and prizes there. Quite often our students become co-authors of inventions made by the University scientists and get author's certificates. Since its foundation, the University has trained lots of highly-qualified professionals able to work is various fields of science and engineering.