5 What is the British English equivalent for the words in bold? Use a dictionary to help you. 1 She thought the brochure was in her purse, but she must have left it at home. 2 What a busy town! It took an hour to get out of the parking lot. 3 You shouldn't eat chips too often as they're full of salt. 4 Don't throw that wrapper on the floor! Put it in the garbage can! 5 I need to clear out my closet - I've got too many clothes! 6 We need to buy the baby a pacifier.

Нужно найти британские английские эквиваленты для слов, выделенных жирным шрифтом, используя при необходимости словарь. Эквиваленты даны справа от предложений.
1 She thought the brochure was in her purse, but she must have left it at home. handbag
2 What a busy town! It took an hour to get out of the parking lot. car park
3 You shouldn't eat chips too often as they're full of salt. crisps
4 Don't throw that wrapper on the floor! Put it in the garbage can! rubbish bin
5 I need to clear out my closet – I've got too many clothes! wardrobe
6 We need to buy the baby a pacifier. dummy
1 Она думала, что брошюра была в ее сумочке, но она, должно быть, оставила ее дома.
a handbag (BrE) / a purse (AmE) - дамская сумка
2 Какой оживленный город! Выезд с парковки занял час.
(a car park (BrE) / a parking lot (AmE) - автостоянка / парковка)
3 Не стоит есть чипсы слишком часто, так как они полны соли.
(crisps (BrE) / chips (AmE) - чипсы)
4 Не бросай эту обертку на пол! Положи ее в мусорку!
(a rubbish bin (BrE) / a garbage can (AmE) - мусорная корзина)
5 Мне нужно убраться в шкафу — у меня слишком много одежды!
(a wardrobe (BrE) / a closet (AmE) - одежный/платяной шкаф)
6 Нам нужно купить ребенку соску.
(dummy (BrE) / pacifier (AmE) - соска-пустышка)