Match the words with their definitions.
1. exhibition a) the characteristic of often changing and being different
2. create something b) a way of doing an activity that needs skill
3. variety c) having the abilities needed to do an activity or job well
4. technique d) seeming to exist
5. drawing e) an event at which objects such as paintings are shown to the public, a situation in which someone shows a particular skill or quality to the public, or the act of showing these things
6. skilled f) a very good painting
7. on display g) being shown in a place where people can see it
8. realistic h) a way of doing something, especially one that is typical of a person, group of people, place, or period
9. work of art i) to make something new, or invent something
10. style j) the act of making a picture with a pencil or pen, or a picture made in this way

1 e
exhibition (выставка) - an event at which objects such as paintings are shown to the public, a situation in which someone shows a particular skill or quality to the public, or the act of showing these things
2 i
create something (создать что-то, сотворить) - to make something new, or invent something
3 a
variety (разнообразие) - the characteristic of often changing and being different
4 b
technique (техника) - a way of doing an activity that needs skill
5 j
drawing (рисование/рисунок) - the act of making a picture with a pencil or pen, or a picture made in this way
6 c
skilled (умелый) - having the abilities needed to do an activity or job well
7 g
on display (выставленный на показ, демонстрируемый) - being shown in a place where people can see it
8 d
realistic (реалистичный) - seeming to exist
9 f
work of art (произведение искусства) - a very good painting
10 h
style (стиль) - a way of doing something, especially one that is typical of a person, group of people, place, or period.