Предмет: Математика, автор: sofiabilenko19

Першого дня туристи пройшли 7/20усього маршруту, а другого на 3/20 менше, ніж першого дня. Яку частину маршруту туристи пройшли за два дня? ​


Автор ответа: Moshofor

Відповідь: 11/20 маршруту

7/20-3/20=4/20 — пройшли другого дня;

7/20+4/20=11/20 — за два дні.

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Додаток 2 Reading A Read the article about Conor’s friend, Antonio. This is my friend, Antonio. He’s 16 years old and he goes to my school. He’s from Spain and he used to live in Seville, but when he was nine his family came to live here in York. His mum’s a doctor, she works at York Hospital, and his dad teaches Spanish at York University. Antonio has got black hair and brown eyes. When he goes back to Spain on holiday, he always gets a tan. I never tan because I’m very pale. In the summer, I get lots of freckles. It’s great to spend time with Antonio and his family because they are very sociable and cheerful. His parents are really friendly and they always have delicious food because Antonio’s grandmother lives with them and she’s an excellent cook. When Antonio first came to our school, he was quite shy because he didn’t speak English very well and he often looked sad. But he’s very smart and a few months later, his English was so good people thought he was from York. Now Antonio never looks unhappy. He loves school and has got lots of friends. He likes to spend time with me and two or three close friends. We usually play football after school or we go to each other’s houses and just hang out together. We play video games, we watch TV and sometimes we play music together. Antonio is brilliant at singing, so last year we decided to start our own band. That’s me playing the guitar, and that’s Antonio singing. We have a drummer and a bass player too. Our dream is to be a well-known band in the future. We have to work hard and learn new songs, but that’s quite difficult because Antonio makes us laugh all the time. He loves telling jokes. I hope that Antonio stays in York for ever because he’s a great friend! B Complete the Exam Task. Read the article again. Are sentences 1–8 ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)? If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B), choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (C). 1 Antonio hasn’t got any brothers or sisters. ____ 2 Antonio’s dad is a school teacher. ____ 3 Conor has got blonde hair. ____ 4 Antonio’s granny is brilliant at cooking. _____ 5 Antonio is sometimes quite sad. ____ 6 Some people think Antonio is English. _____ 7 Conor has got four close friends. ____ 8 Antonio and Conor want to be famous. _____