4 Choose the correct answer.
1 Do we use the imperative to tell people to do things? yes / no
2 Do we usually use the full infinitive after enjoy, finish, and miss? yes / no
which is correct? She began to tell her. / She began telling her./both
Do we use the past simple for situations in progress? yes/no
5 Do we use the past continuous for situations in progress at a particular time in the past? yes / no
6 Which is correct? He was working at 1pm./He worked at 1pm./both
1 Do we use the imperative to tell people to do things? yes
2 Do we usually use the full infinitive after enjoy, finish, and miss? no
3 Which is correct?
She began to tell her. / She began telling her. / both
4 Do we use the past simple for situations in progress? no
5 Do we use the past continuous for situations in progress at a particular time in the past? yes
6 Which is correct?
He was working at 1pm. / He worked at 1pm./ both
1 Используем ли мы императив, чтобы говорить людям что-то сделать? да
2 Используем ли мы обычно полный инфинитив после enjoy, finish и miss? нет (после этих глаголов используется герундий)
3 Как правильно?
She began to tell her. / She began telling her. / both (оба варианта верные)
4 Употребляем ли мы Past Simple для длительных ситуаций/действий в процессе? нет
5 Используем ли мы Past Continuous для ситуаций, происходящих в определенное время в прошлом? да
6 Как правильно?
He was working at 1pm. / He worked at 1pm./ both
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