Предмет: Английский язык, автор: surik6762

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текст: A new report says that students do not learn very well when they use their mobile phones at their classes. The London School of Economics did a study in England and found that test scores increased by six per cent after mobile phones were banned in class. Researchers looked at 145 students in the class- room. Some of the students could use their mobile phones during classes, while the others had their phones switched off. As a result, the students who did not use their mobile phones while the teacher was talking got higher scores on tests they took at the end of the class. The researchers say it is very common for stu- dents to be physically present in class, but mentally absent because students are more interested in social media than learning. So, the non-stop battle of keeping students working is one of the biggest challenges for modern teachers.

1) The text is...
a) a report.
b) a letter.
c) a story.
d) a dialogue.

2) According to the text...
a) nowadays students don't study very well.
b) mobile phones can influence students' performance.
c) students study better when their phones are with them.
d) mobile phones are banned in class.

3) All the students who took part in the experiment...
a) switched off their mobile phones.
b) used their phones during the lesson.
c) took a test at the end of the class.
d) had excellent test results.

4) Researchers believe that...
a) students are more interested in learning than social media.
b) it's not difficult for a teacher to keep students working.
c) even if a student is in the classroom, he or she may think about other things.
d) teachers should use social media at their lessons.​


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