2. y? e 1 2 6 Read the definitions. Then, read the excerpt of Oliver Twist again and answer the questions. 3 Script: the written text of a play or film Dialogue: a Plot: what happens in a story Character: the people in the story Setting: the time and place in which the story happens conversation between two or more people in a play, story, etc. Monologue: a long speech by one person in a play Conflict: the disagreement or contradiction that creates the need for change in the story Who are the main characters? Where does the excerpt take place? What happens in the story? 4 Which characters are in conflict? 5 Is there a monologue or a dialogue in the excerpt?
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Ответ:1 Who are the main characters?
The main characters are Oliver Twist, Master and Mr Bumble.
(Кто главные герои?
Главные герои - Оливер Твист, Хозяин и мистер Бамбл.)
2 Where does the excerpt take place?
It takes place in the workhouse.
(Где происходит сюжет из этого отрывка?
Он происходит в работном доме.)
3 What happens in the story?
Life in the workhouse was very hard and the boys were always hungry.
The boys became so hungry that one day they decided that someone must ask for more. It was Oliver who asked the master for some more soup. No one had ever asked for more.
(Что происходит в этой истории?
Жизнь в работном доме была очень тяжелой, и мальчики всегда были голодны. Мальчики так проголодались, что однажды решили, что кто-то должен попросить еще. Именно Оливер попросил у хозяина еще немного супа. Никто никогда не просил добавки.)
4 Which characters are in conflict?
Oliver Twist, Master and Mr Bumble are in conflict.
(Какие персонажи находятся в конфликте?
Оливер Твист, Мастер и мистер Бамбл находятся в конфликте.)
5 Is there a monologue or a dialogue in the excerpt?
There is a dialogue in the excerpt.
(В отрывке монолог или диалог?
В отрывке - диалог.*
Диалог– это разговор двух или нескольких лиц.)