Предмет: Математика, автор: mamedovazulfiya23021

Пачка паперу формату А4 містить 500 аркушів. Щотижня в офісі використовують 1300 таких аркушів. Якої найменшої кількості пачок паперу буде достатньо для повноцінної роботи офісу протягом 4 тижнів?


Автор ответа: Moreotvetov


1) 1300*4=5200(арк)- за 4 тижні


Відповідь: або 10, або 11. Типу логічніше 11, але може бути й 10.

Сорі, що там погано допоміг. Але якийсь із цих варіантів, я думаю, правильний

Пошаговое объяснение:


Moreotvetov: Та за що?
Moreotvetov: Тут не складно
Moreotvetov: Тим більше, я не дав однозначної відповіді, так що вибач мене
mamedovazulfiya23021: ДОБРЕ ВСЕ ОДНО СПАСИБИ!!!
Moreotvetov: та нема за що
Moreotvetov: можеш мою відповідь позначити, як найкращу?
Moreotvetov: хочу собі звання "умный"
mamedovazulfiya23021: Я НЕ ВМИЮ СОРИ
Moreotvetov: та пох
barannik0952476072: Мне помогло спс
Автор ответа: goblinvoblin09

Відповідь:11 бо цілих пачок, а не частина пачки.

Покрокове пояснення:1)4*1300=5200(шт.)


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срочно пжпжпжпжпж дам 49 БАЛЛОВ 3 For questions 1-7, read the letters from an advice website for teenagers and choose the correct answer (A, B or C). 1 When did Cameron's parents go to bed? A at 9 o'clock B between 9 and 11 C at 11 o'clock 2 Cameron first went to sleep at 9 o'clock. 11 o'clock. 2 o'clock. A B C 3 How much sleep do adults need? eight hours nine hours twelve hours A B C 4 A small can of energy drink has the same number of calories as A a large apple B C 5 How much sugar is it OK to eat in one day? A 12 grams 27 grams 32 grams B C a large banana a can of cola 6 One good thing about drinking caffeine is that A you feel less sleepy. B you get a stomach ache. C it helps your heart. 7 Polly says that Cameron should A B C brush his teeth more and lose weight. go to bed a bit later when he's tired. stop drinking so many energy drinks. 17 Dear Polly Last night I went to bed at 9 o'clock after watching TV with my parents. Two hours later I was still awake. I didn't feel sleepy so I got up, had another energy drink and continued watching TV. My parents were already in bed. I didn't fall asleep until 2 am! I don't want to stay up late, I just can't go to sleep. What's the matter with me? Cameron, 15 Dear Cameron Teenagers need more sleep than adults (nine hours per night, one more than adults) but less than children (twelve hours). Scientists think that teenagers are getting less sleep than before. Energy drinks can be part of the problem. They contain lots of sugar and calories, which give you energy. Did you know that one small can contains about 110 calories? That's equal to eating two large apples or a large banana. One small can contains nearly all of the sugar (nearly seven small spoons - 27 grams) you should eat in a whole day (32g)! It's less than a can of cola, but compares badly with the 12g in a banana and 10g per apple. This of course is bad for your weight and your teeth! Energy drinks are also often full of caffeine. You find caffeine in tea and coffee and it makes you feel more awake. It can also make you feel nervous, give you stomach aches and headaches, reduce your feelings of sleepiness and can even cause problems with your heart. So my advice is not to stay up late until you feel sleepy, but go to bed early. Reduce the number of energy drinks you have, or why not give them up completely? This will help your teeth and your weight as well, if that's a problem for you. Definitely don't have any after lunchtime, because the caffeine takes several hours to leave your body. Polly​
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Нарисовать блок-схему к алгоритму. Цикл с постусловием
Задача. Составить программу для планирования покупки в магазине товаров на сумму, не превышающую заданную величину.

Обозначим через x и k цену и количество товара, через p - заданную предельную сумму, через s - стоимость покупки.
Начальное значение общей стоимости покупки s равна нулю. Значение предельной суммы вводится с клавиатуры.
Необходимо повторять запрос цены и количества выбранного товара, определять его стоимость, добавлять ее в общую стоимость и выводить результат на экран до тех пор, пока стоимость не превысит предельную сумму p.

Рrogram Exemple;
Var x, k, p, s: integer;
Write ( 'Предельная сума--');
Readln (P);
S: = 0;
Write ( 'Введите цену товара и его коли-
кость: ');
Readln (x, k)
S = s + k * x;
Writeln ( 'стоимость покупки равна', s)
Until s> p;
Writeln ( 'стоимость покупки превысила предельную
сумму! ');