Предмет: Українська мова, автор: Аноним

Вправа 5. І. Поділіть подані слова на групи, в
1) кількість звуків і букв збігається; 2) звуків
менше, ніж букв; 3) звуків більше, ніж букв.
(Номер групи позначте цифрою над словом)
Єднання, малюк, вечоріє, яблуня, під'їзд,
тінню, дзенькати, лящ, ювелір, збіжжя,
занадто, туристський, поїзд, людський,
джміль, дев'ятсот, дев'ять, ягня, ліщина,
заєць, стюардеса, тонна, сміються,
виїжджають, дзвонять, джунглі, ввечері,
бязь, щирість, ювілей, юнь, витанцьовують,
місяць, льонар, челюсті, щітка.



Автор ответа: tt987854





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По тексту ответь на вопросы.
The Prince and the Pauper.
I am going to tell you a story that took place many, many years ago. It was told to me by my father, who heard it from his father. And his father had heard it from his father... and so on. For three hundred years and more, the fathers had told it to their sons.
I do not know, whether it is history, or only legend. But the story says that it happend in the second quarter of the sixteenth century.
In the old city of London, on a cold autumn day two boys were born. One boy was born to a poor family of the name of Canty, who did not want him. The other English child was wanted the boy very much.
All England wanted him too, that is why it was a happy day for the people of England. Everybody took a holliday. Nobody wanted to work. The rich and the poor celebrated this great holiday. For several days and nights the people danced and sang in the streets and squares of London.
Everybody talked only about the new baby, Edward Tudor, Prince of Wales. He lay in silks and did not know that he made the people of England so happy. He did not know anything about the bright illumination or about beautiful banners hanging from every balcony.
But nobody talked about the other baby, Tom Canty. He lay in his poor rags and did not know that the Canty family, the family of paupers, did not want him. They did not want him at all. Nobody wanted Tom Canty, the son of John Canty.
1) Celebrated the greate holiday
2) Talked about Tom Canty
3) Talked about Edward Tudor
4) Lay in silks
5) Lay in rags
6) Sang and danced in the streets of London