эссе на тему Труд - это необходимость . 5 предложений ( ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ДАЮ 100 БАЛОВ )
Відповідь:Пжжжжжжжжжжжжжжж ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО A not so clever artist
І. True or False
The Frenchman was travelling in France
The man knew some words of English language.
It was difficult for the Frenchman to understand other people.
One day he was going for a walk in the centre of the town.
It began to rain and the man went to the restaurant.
The Frenchman wanted to have lunch.
He wanted to order some meat which he liked very much.
The waiter couldn’t understand French.
The Frenchman took a piece of paper and drew a mushroom.
The waiter returned a few minutes later and brought an umbrella.
ІІ. Find the right answer.
The Frenchman was travelling in….
a) France b) Italy c) England
One day he was going for a walk and then it began to …
to snow b) to rain c) to melt
3. As he felt hungry he went to a small…
a) hotel b) cafe c) shop
4. The Frenchman wanted to order some…
a) potatoes b) mushrooms c) soup
5. The waiter didn’t understand the Frenchman and he took a piece of paper and drew…
a dog b) a table c) a mushroom
6) The waiter looked at a piece of paper and then came back with….
an umbrella b) a coat c) a hat
III. Put down 6 questions to the text
Труд — деятельность человека, направленная на создание материальных и духовных благ, которые удовлетворяют потребности индивида и (или) общества. В процессе этой деятельности человек при помощи орудий труда осваивает, изменяет и приспосабливает к своим целям предметы природы, использует механические, физические и химические свойства предметов и явлений природы и заставляет их взаимно влиять друг на друга для достижения заранее намеченной цели.
ну как-то так если не сгодится ответ то я не виновата