Перевірте, будь ласка, текст мій та відпишіть помилки!
Hi Sofia, Hey, Sofa! I haven't seen you in a month. What have you been doing? I'm planning a beach party. Therefore, you will have to dress in beach clothes. The theme of my party is the beach clothes, so you'll have to dress! Girls used to wear swimsuit, flip flops and they wear long hats on their heads. Sometimes shirts, so as not to burn. Boys wear swimming trunks or swimming shorts, and flip-flops on their feet. By the way, I've made friends with an interesting girl from Ukraine called Diana Kutereschyn. She's pretty and really smart recently she took 2nd place in the German language Olympiad. She's also knows English well and fun to be with and she's really into Italian music. Waiting for you! Bye for now, Andrii
думаю все правильно, але сумніваюсь в bye for now.
і вррді не she's, а просто she.
Hi Sofia, Hey, Sofa! I haven't seen you in a month. What have you been doing? I'm planning a beach party. Therefore, you will have to dress in beach clothes. The theme of my party is the beach clothes, so you'll have to dress! Girls used to wear swimsuit, flip-flops, and they wear long hats on their heads. Sometimes shirts, so as not to burn. Boys wear swimming trunks or swimming shorts, and flip-flops on their feet. By the way, I've made friends with an interesting girl from Ukraine called Diana Kutereschyn. She's pretty and really smart, recently she took 2nd place in the German language Olympiad. She also knows English well and fun to be with, and she's really into Italian music. Waiting for you! Bye for now, Andriy
сподіваюсь правильно , гарних оцінок