решите пж даю 40 балллов можно решить не все хотябы 3
Упражнение 3. Сформулируйте специальный вопрос к подлежащему.
1. She was drinking cold water.
Who was drinking cold water?
2. Our neighbor's children broke the window.
Who broke the window?
3. Lily hasn't answered the questions yet.
Who hasn't answered the questions yet?
4. Sting is my favorite singer.
Who is my favorite singer?
5. Jake is going to Turkey next Saturday.
Who is going to Turkey next Saturday?
6. My whole class visited the National Art Museum.
Who visited the National Art Museum?
7. Molly takes dance classes.
Who takes dance classes?
8. Good results gave him hope for the future.
What gave him hope for the future?
Упражнение 4. Вставьте правильный «хвостик» в разделительном вопросе.
1. She doesn't like watching TV, does she?
2. Her brother is older than she, isn't he?
3. He doesn't go to extra classes, does he?
4. You should tell your husband the truth, shouldn't you?
5. I was a good student, wasn't I?
6. Dolphins are very kind animals, aren't they?
7. His performance was boring, wasn't it?
8. She has read a very interesting book, hasn't she?
Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения в форме альтернативного вопроса.
1. Ты любишь смотреть футбол или баскетбол?
Do you like watching football or basketball?
2. Ты любишь смотреть фильмы или сериалы?
Do you like watching movies or series?
3. Твой кот серый или чёрный?
Is your cat grey or black?
4. Ты чаще пишешь ручкой или карандашом?
Do you write more often with a pen or pencil?
5. Ты сегодня работаешь дома или в офисе?
Are you working at home or in the office today?
6. Ты любишь больше печенье или шоколад?
Do you like more cookies or chocolate?
7. Она ходила в театр с Джеком или с Кайлом?
Did she go to the theater with Jack or with Kyle?