Описати свій день, використати Present Simple. на английском
Ответ:My day begins at 5.30 a.m. My mother wakes me up with a hot cup of tea. After sipping the hot tea, I do jogging for half an hour on the terrace of my house, along with my elder brother. After the jogging, I brush my teeth and get ready for my study which continues undisturbed up to my breakfast
I have my breakfast at 8.00 a.m. along with the rest of my family. We also watch the TV news at this time and also go through the day’s newspaper. After breakfast the family chats for some time. By 8.30 a.m. all are off to their respective work. I get ready and proceed to school on my bicycle.
I reach school at about 8.45 ранку. The school Assembly takes place at 8.55 a.m. and classes begin immediately after. The classes continue up to 12.00 .p.m after which we have a lunch break. During the lunch break, I go home as my home is not very far from the school.After the school gets over I stay back in the school campus to attend some tuition which gets over by 4.00 p.m.
We take our supper о 8.30 p.m., while we watch the serials. After the serials are over the family chats for some time discussing the various events of the day. By 9.30 p.m., I go to bed.
Ответ: My day
Today, as usual, I woke up in the morning, did exercises, brushed my teeth and changed from my pajamas to my home clothes. I liked my breakfast so much that my mood quickly lifted. Then I went for a walk in the yard. After a long walk, I sat down to do my homework. I don't like homework, but I will have to do it... After a long struggle over homework, I went to eat my lunch. After eating I sat down on the phone, but then my mother told me to go read a book... but I liked the book. But still, I asked my mother for her phone after reading. I sat on the phone for about two and a half hours... (this is if you have a sister or brother: but then I went to play with my younger sister/brother). Then the evening came, I went to have dinner and... of course to paint! I was so engrossed in drawing that I didn't notice that I had to brush my teeth and go to bed... I got ready for bed and went to bed.
Объяснение: Мій день
Сьогодні я як завжди, зранку прокинулась, зробила зарядку, почистила зуби і переодяглася з піжами в мою домашню одежу. Мені так сподобався мій сніданок що настрій швидко піднявся. Потім я пішла прогулятись в дворі. Після довгої прогулянки я сіла за домашнє завдання. Я не люблю домашку але доведеться її робити... Після довгих мук над домашкою я пішла їсти свій обід. Після їжі я сіла в телефон, але потім мені мама сказала піти почитати книжку... але книжка була мені сподобалась. Але всеж таки я випросила у мами телефон після читання. Посиділа я в телефоні десь дві з половиною години... (це якщо в тебе є сестричка або братик: але потім пішла гратися з молодшою/молодшим сестричкою/братиком). Аж ось наступив вечір, я пішла вечеряти і... звісно ж малювати! Малювання мене настільки захопило що я не помітила як вже треба було йти чистити зуби та йти спати... Я приготувалася до сну й лягла спати.
Ось от такий день у мене :)
Бажаю 11!